Chapter 50 | The Unseen Power

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As Alex approached his classroom, a man standing on the rooftop caught his attention. The wind played with his cloak, causing it to wave as if greeting Alex.

Curiosity piqued, Alex glanced at his classroom to ensure his professor was inside, then turned his gaze back to the rooftop. To his surprise, the man had vanished without a trace.

Perplexed, Alex wondered who this mysterious man could be. His mind filled with questions, urging him to uncover the identity and purpose of the enigmatic figure that had briefly appeared before him.

Determined to find answers, Alex made a mental note to investigate further, vowing to uncover the truth behind the man who had momentarily graced the rooftop.

Taking his seat, Alex retrieved his notebook and opened it to a blank page. However, to his surprise, he found a message written on the next page: "WE WILL MEET AGAIN!"

Startled, Alex's mind raced with questions. Who had written this message, and what did it mean? Suddenly, the memory of the man on the rooftop resurfaced in his thoughts.

"Could he be responsible for this?" Alex pondered aloud, his voice barely above a whisper.

After patiently waiting for ten minutes, an announcement echoed throughout the entire school, informing the students that the class had been postponed. The reason given was concerning and alarming: animals were dying, and even the trees were withering away.

A sense of unease washed over Alex as he absorbed the news. The strange occurrences seemed to be escalating, deepening the mystery surrounding the rooftop encounter and the cryptic message in his notebook.

With a growing sense of urgency, Alex realized that he needed to uncover the truth behind these unsettling events. The well-being of the school, its inhabitants, and the environment hung in the balance, and he felt a responsibility to find answers and restore harmony.

Alex swiftly teleported to headquarters, urgency fueling his every step. He sought out his father, eager to share the unsettling news he had just learned.

"I know, son! We have to be prepared," Gab responded, his voice filled with a mix of concern and determination.

As if on cue, Haney and Nathan materialized in the headquarters, their presence adding to the gravity of the situation. Nathan's question hung in the air, echoing the fears that had begun to take hold.

"What is happening? Is this the beginning of the apocalypse?" Nathan asked, his voice tinged with worry.

Haney spoke up, his tone grave yet resolute. "What we are witnessing are indeed signs of the impending apocalypse."

The weight of their words settled upon them, and the team knew that they had to act swiftly and decisively to confront the challenges that lay ahead.

Before the team could finish discussing the previous news, another alarming report reached their ears. The entire city was experiencing a loss of water supply.

The weight of the situation intensified, and a sense of despair filled the room. Nathan's exclamation captured the collective frustration and disbelief.

"Oh, God! Why is this happening now?" Nathan exclaimed, his voice filled with a mix of anguish and desperation.

"Place your hands on my shoulders!" Alex commanded, his voice filled with determination.

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