Chapter 49 | The Power of the Ancient Book

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As Alex walked through the corridors of the University of Elysium, he couldn't help but notice the cheerful conversations of his classmates and schoolmates. The air was filled with laughter and excitement, creating a vibrant atmosphere. With his right hand tucked comfortably inside his pocket and his left hand carrying his bag, he made his way towards his classroom, eager to join in the lively discussions.

However, as he entered the classroom, a strange silence enveloped the once bustling space. Confusion furrowed his brow as he glanced around, searching for any sign of activity. The absence of voices and the stillness in the room sent a shiver down his spine.

Something was amiss.

Unable to ignore the eerie silence, Alex decided to step outside and investigate. As he emerged into the open, his eyes widened in disbelief. The skies above were no longer the familiar expanse of blue, but instead, they were covered with an array of alien spaceships. The invaders had arrived, casting a shadow of uncertainty over the Earth.

Fear and uncertainty gripped Alex's heart as he joined the crowd of onlookers, all gazing up at the otherworldly spectacle. Whispers of concern and disbelief filled the air, as people tried to comprehend the magnitude of the situation. The once vibrant and carefree atmosphere had been replaced by a sense of urgency and apprehension.

In the midst of the chaos, Alex's mind raced with questions. What were the intentions of these invaders? How would humanity respond? The future seemed uncertain, and the weight of the situation bore heavily on his shoulders.

As he stood there, surrounded by his fellow students and the wider community, a sense of unity began to emerge. Despite the fear and uncertainty, there was a collective determination to face this new threat head-on. The bonds of friendship and camaraderie that had been forged within the walls of the University of Elysium now took on a new significance.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Alex knew that he had to play his part in defending his home. The once carefree days of laughter and conversations had given way to a new reality, one that demanded strength, resilience, and unity. As he looked up at the alien ships, a fire ignited within him, fueling his determination to protect the world he loved.

As Nathan scanned the crowd from the second floor, his eyes landed on Alex, who stood alongside Haney. Without hesitation, he sprinted towards them, his heart pounding with a mix of fear and determination.

Reaching Alex's side, Nathan's voice trembled as he asked the pressing question, "Alex, what should we do? How can we protect ourselves?"
With a calm and resolute expression, Alex reassured Nathan, "I'll take care of it. Trust me."

Placing his hands firmly on the ground, Alex closed his eyes and began to utter words in an ancient language, their meaning lost to those around him. The air crackled with an otherworldly energy as his voice resonated through the corridor.

"Cover the entire school! (Eshkara vaharath!)" Alex commanded with unwavering determination.

In response to his words, a powerful surge of energy emanated from Alex's hands, spreading outward in a circular motion. The energy formed a protective barrier, encircling the entire school grounds. It shimmered with a translucent glow, a shield against the invading forces.

The sight was awe-inspiring as the barrier expanded, encompassing every nook and cranny of the school. It stood as a symbol of hope and defiance, a testament to the strength and resilience of those within its protective embrace.

As the invaders approached, their attempts to breach the barrier were met with resistance. The energy field held strong, repelling their advances and keeping the school safe from harm. Inside the protected walls, students and faculty found solace in the knowledge that they were shielded from the imminent danger.

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