Chapter 46 | The Warning

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The Celestial Mother appeared as Alex, Gab, Haney, Nathan, and Anya gathered in the headquarters of the Celestial Guardians.

"Gab exclaimed, 'Celestial Mother, you're here!'"

"Yes," the Celestial Mother replied, "I have come to warn you that the apocalypse is fast approaching. You all need to be prepared!"

Anya spoke up, "So, Alex's dream was true?"

The Celestial Mother nodded solemnly and said, "Yes, it is true!"

"Look, I understand that Alex has a destined role in this battle - to save the Earth from the invaders and the impending apocalypse. But both of you also have crucial roles to play," the Celestial Mother said, directing her gaze towards Nathan and Haney.

"We understand, Mother!" Nathan and Haney replied in unison.

"Before I depart, I must entrust you with a long-hidden secret. In this critical time, you need it the most. To prevent the apocalypse from occurring, you must seek out the ancient book that contains the language of old, enabling you to combat the individual destined to bring destruction and chaos."

"What is this book? How does it look?" Alex asked, his curiosity piqued.

"The book and you must become one, Alex. You will have to face whatever comes your way. You may feel weakened in this battle, but hold on to love and hope, for they will make you stronger," the Celestial Mother explained.

"Where can we find it?" Alex inquired.

"You must travel to a different timeline to find the book, as it cannot be found in this current timeline," the Celestial Mother revealed. "It is hidden beneath the root of the largest tree in the timeline I am about to send you to. How to retrieve it will be for you to discover. But be aware, there will be a test!"

And with that, the Celestial Mother vanished.

A portal appeared before them, beckoning Alex, Haney, and Nathan to embark on their journey.

With determination in their hearts, they stepped into the portal, disappearing from the current timeline. Alex's parents were left with worries and anticipation, uncertain of what awaited their son.

As they crossed the threshold, the portal closed behind them, vanishing from sight.

Haney, holding onto her aching legs after walking for an hour, asked, "Where can we find that tree?"

Nathan reassured her, saying, "Just have hope, Haney. We will find it!"

With determination and optimism, they continued their journey, confident that they would eventually locate the tree they sought.

As they stood atop a mountain, Nathan accidentally stepped on a small rock, causing a portal to open before them.

"Perhaps this is where we can find the tree!" Haney exclaimed with excitement.

However, to their surprise, another portal opened nearby, leaving them perplexed and unsure of which portal to choose.

Suddenly, an old man appeared before them, informing them that one of the portals would vanish if they granted him his wish.

"What is it that you desire?" Alex asked cautiously.

"I seek a sacrifice," the old man replied.

"No, we cannot sacrifice anyone!" Alex protested.

"Then you shall remain trapped here, unable to find the book," the old man warned.

Reluctantly, Alex asked, "What kind of sacrifice?"

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