Chapter 60 | About The Fire

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"Where is this fire coming from?" Nathan asked himself as he surveyed the scene.

He quickly reached into his pocket, grabbed his phone, and dialed Alex's number.

"You must hurry! There's a fire in the forest," he urgently exclaimed before hanging up and sending his location to Alex.

Within moments, Alex and Haney teleported to Nathan's location and approached him.

"Where's the fire?" Haney asked, looking around for any signs of the flames.

Nathan pointed his finger towards the area where the fire had initially started.

"I wish I knew where it's coming from," Nathan replied, frustration evident in his voice.

As they stood there, the fire continued to spread, consuming almost a quarter of the forest.

"I really hope no innocent lives have been lost because of this," Alex said, concern etched on his face.

The three of them took to the skies, flying above the forest as they surveyed the scene below. As they soared through the air, they exhaled gusts of wind from their mouths, hoping to somehow quell the flames below.

Despite their efforts, the fire showed no signs of stopping. Thirty minutes had passed since they began their attempts to control it, but the flames continued to grow and spread.

Realizing the severity of the situation, Alex turned to Haney and issued a firm command, "Haney, call as many firefighters as possible from the nearest location. We can't manage this on our own."

Haney nodded in understanding and swiftly took to the sky, flying off to call for reinforcements.

After a tense wait of twenty-five minutes, the sound of sirens filled the air as the firefighters arrived at the scene. With their expertise and specialized equipment, they joined forces with Alex, Nathan, and Haney to combat the fire and bring it under control. The combined efforts of the team finally started to make a difference, offering hope that the fire could be contained and the forest saved from further destruction.

Finally, after a relentless battle, the fire was brought under control, eliciting a collective sigh of relief from everyone present.

"Oh, thank goodness!" Haney exclaimed, expressing the shared sentiment of the group.

As they caught their breath, Mr. Mistry, one of the firefighters, voiced his concern, "I hope no innocent lives have been lost due to this devastating fire."

Alex, grateful for the assistance but unable to recognize Mr. Mistry, spoke up, "Thanks to you, Mr...?"

"Mr. Mistry," the firefighter replied, introducing himself.

"Mr. Mistry!" Alex scanned the area and noticed the numerous individuals who had come to lend a hand. "And to all of you, we truly appreciate your invaluable help."

In response, another man in the group gave a salute, a gesture of acknowledgment to Alex's gratitude.

Curiosity piqued, Mr. Mistry turned to the three and asked, "And who might you be?"

"We're the Guardians!" Alex proudly declared.

"Celestial Guardians, to be precise. We are here to protect not just our realm, but the entire universe."

"Thank God for sending you as our heroes," Mr. Mistry expressed his gratitude, recognizing the significance of their presence in the face of such a dire situation.

With the firefighters wrapping up their work and gathering their belongings, Alex addressed Nathan, "We'll take care of everything here, Nathan. Just go home for now and make sure to take a shower to freshen up!"

Nathan nodded appreciatively, acknowledging the offer. "Alright, I'll head home then."

"And... thank you for alerting us about the fire!" Alex added, gratitude evident in his smile.

Nathan returned the smile and hopped into his car, ready to make his way back home. The Celestial Guardians, Alex and Haney, prepared to scan the area to determine the origin of the fire, continuing their mission to uncover the cause and prevent any future incidents.

Haney and Alex continued their survey from above, scanning the area to pinpoint the exact location where the fire had originated.

"That area!" Haney exclaimed, pointing to a specific spot on the ground below.

Without hesitation, they descended to the designated location and carefully examined their surroundings.

"What is this huge hole?" Alex questioned, puzzled by the discovery.

"This could potentially give us some clues," Haney replied, her curiosity piqued.

With a sense of anticipation, they ventured into the large hole, only to find that it appeared to be just an ordinary, unremarkable cavity in the ground. Despite their initial hopes, there was nothing immediately evident that could shed light on the cause of the fire.

"There's nothing here!" Alex exclaimed in frustration, echoing Haney's sentiments.

Feeling defeated for the moment, they decided to call it a day and agreed to resume their investigation the following day. Recognizing the need to rest and recharge, they took a moment to relax and gather their thoughts.

Once again, they took to the skies, flying above the forest for a final sweep before returning to their headquarters. However, unbeknownst to Alex and Haney, as they disappeared from view, a man emerged from the very same hole they had just examined. The man's presence went unnoticed by the Celestial Guardians, leaving them unaware of this unexpected development.


Nathan finally arrived home, greeted by his concerned mother who wasted no time in questioning his late return.

"Why did you come home so late? Where have you been?" his mom inquired, her tone filled with worry.

"Just out with friends," Nathan replied dismissively, choosing to ignore his mother's nagging.

Feeling the need for some solitude, he swiftly made his way to the bathroom, shutting the door with a resounding bang, seeking a moment of peace and privacy.

As the loud nagging of his mother continued outside the bathroom, Nathan sought solace by turning on the faucet and shower. The sound of the running water provided a soothing background noise, helping to drown out the persistent voices.

Closing his eyes, he allowed his mind to drift back to the earlier incident, replaying the events in his memory. The sight of the raging fire, the heroic efforts of Alex, Haney, and the firefighters, and the relief that washed over him when the fire was finally contained, all played vividly in his mind.

Nathan picked up a bar of soap and began by lathering it in his hands, gently washing his face to cleanse away the dirt and grime from the day's events. The cool water and the soothing sensation of the soap on his skin provided a momentary escape from the outside world.

Moving on, he applied the soap to his entire body, methodically washing away the remnants of the day. The gentle motions of his hands, combined with the refreshing water cascading over him, helped to wash away not only the physical residue but also the mental and emotional weight he had carried.

Lost in the rhythm of the shower, Nathan allowed himself to be fully present in the moment, finding solace in the simple act of cleansing and rejuvenating his body.

Nathan stepped out of the bathroom, only to find that his mom was nowhere to be seen. Taking a moment to dry himself off, he reached for his shirt and noticed a message notification on his phone. It was from Alex.

"Be here by 5 am tomorrow! Let's discuss something," the message read.

Nathan chuckled and quickly typed a playful response, "Alright, baby boss!"

Almost instantly, a reply popped up on his screen, "WTF with that name calling!"

Smirking, Nathan replied, "Just kidding!"

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