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pregnant with strikers twins

pregnant with strikers twins

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- striker, being an assassin, would react with initial shock and apprehension when he found out you were pregnant

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- striker, being an assassin, would react with initial shock and apprehension when he found out you were pregnant. the idea of being responsible for a family was never in his plans, and it would take some time for him to come to terms with it.

-rather than openly expressing his emotions, striker would show his support in more subtle ways. he'd make sure you were safe and well-protected, taking extra precautions given his dangerous line of work.

- striker's nesting instincts might manifest as him setting up additional security measures around your home. he'd ensure the place was fortified, just in case any threats came your way.

- while he might not accompany you to doctor's appointments, (this man is wanted after all) striker would find a way to keep an eye on things from a distance, ensuring you were safe without drawing attention to himself.

- when the day for the twins' arrival came, striker would be there, of course.

- striker's role as a father would be unconventional. he'd prioritize the safety of his family above all else, even if it meant maintaining a distance to shield you and the twins from his dangerous world.

- his love for you and the twins would be cautious. striker would constantly be stressed about the dangers that could befall his family due to his line of work.

- in rare private moments, striker might let his guard down. he'd cradle the twins with a tenderness that no one else would ever witness, cherishing these stolen moments of vulnerability.

- striker's commitment to his family's safety would be unwavering. he'd take on riskier jobs to ensure financial stability and would never let his guard down.

- striker's tough exterior would remain intact, even in the face of fatherhood. he'd often come across as distant or stoic, but you'd know that his actions spoke louder than words.

- becoming a father would make striker even more resolute in his role as a provider. he'd do whatever it took to secure a future for you and the twins, even if it meant taking on the most perilous contracts.

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