- RECKLESS - (chazwick thurman x male! reader)

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chaz x male! reader | i didn't know if anon wanted me to give this a happy ending or a bad ending so i gave it two separate endings!

chaz x male! reader | i didn't know if anon wanted me to give this a happy ending or a bad ending so i gave it two separate endings!

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chaz lounged on the bed, a devilish smirk playing on his lips as he looked at you, sprawled on the sheets beside him

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chaz lounged on the bed, a devilish smirk playing on his lips as he looked at you, sprawled on the sheets beside him. the dimly lit room echoed with the low hum of the neon signs outside. the air was thick with the scent of sin, and for a moment, everything seemed perfect.

but you couldn't shake the gnawing feeling in the pit of your stomach. the countless nights of being chaz's fling, the hushed whispers in the dark, and the unspoken longing for something more had worn you thin. tonight, you couldn't keep it bottled up any longer.

"chaz," you began, your voice steady but firm, "we need to talk."

chaz raised an eyebrow, his usual cocky demeanor faltering for just a moment. "talk? we're good at other things, babe. why ruin the mood?"

you sighed, sitting up and fixing him with a serious gaze. "it's about us. i'm tired of being your rebound, your backup plan. i want more, chaz."

his expression shifted, a mixture of confusion and discomfort dancing in his neon-blue eyes. "more...? what do you mean?"

you took a deep breath, deciding to lay your cards on the table. "i mean a real relationship...chaz. i wanna be more than just another fling in your little black book. i wanna... matter."

chaz sat up, the sheets pooling around his waist as he scratched his head, a habit he had when he was genuinely thrown off. "listen, babe, relationships ain't my thing."

your frustration bubbled to the surface. "so, what? you're just gonna keep stringing me along? i'm not moxxie or millie. i'm not gonna be your safety net."

chaz's eyes darted away, and for a moment, vulnerability flickered across his face. "i'm not... good at this, okay? relationships just... they mess everything up. i can't afford to fuck up like i did with them."

your heart sank. the mention of moxxie and millie stirred a silent storm in his eyes, a storm you couldn't fully grasp. "chaz, you can't live in the past forever. i'm not them."

chaz shifted uncomfortably, the weight of your words settling on his shoulders. "i'm not good with commitment, alright? i can't gonna promise you the moon and stars. i can't."

a heavy silence hung between you, the truth unsaid but felt in the air. the room felt colder, and the neon lights outside flickered like a warning sign. you realized that perhaps chaz's fear of commitment ran deeper than he let on, tangled in the wreckage of failed relationships.

you hesitated for a moment, the weight of the unspoken words lingering in the air. but something in you urged you to reach out, to bridge the gap between the two of you. turning your head to him, you spoke with a softness that belied the frustration you felt.

"maybe things can change. maybe you can go past this and really be happy. it doesn't have to be the same as before."

chaz looked up, his eyes reflecting a mix of turmoil and doubt. "happy? i'm a fuckin' screw-up, and i've accepted that."

you took a breath, your voice gentle. "accepting your mistakes is one thing, but letting them define your future is another. people can change, you can change. maybe it's time to try something different."


feeling the weight of your words, you reached out, gently cupping chaz's face in your hands. his eyes widened, panic flickering across his features.

"no! no! i can't. i can't," he stammered, pulling away abruptly. the vulnerability you glimpsed earlier vanished, replaced by a familiar defensive wall.

you watched as he got up and stumbled backward, putting distance between you two. the room felt colder, the neon lights outside casting long shadows that seemed to mirror the uncertainty in chaz's heart.

"i've messed up too many times," he muttered, his voice a mix of frustration and self-loathing. "i can't risk hurting you too."

as chaz turned to leave, you sat there, hand still lingering in the air where his face had been. the heavy silence returned, and the neon lights continued their flickering dance, almost mocking the fragility of hope.

you didn't chase after him; you knew better than to push too hard. the ache of wanting something more lingered, but you respected chaz's boundaries.

sometimes, no matter how much you cared, people needed to find their own way.


you reached out, your fingers gently tracing the lines of chaz's jaw, your touch tender yet reassuring. chaz didn't flinch away; instead, he leaned into your touch.

"i don't know. i've got a lot of baggage"

you smiled, your thumb caressing his cheek. "we all have baggage."

chaz sighed, a weight seemingly lifted off his shoulders. "i just... i don't know if the mafia's still after me. i don't want you getting in trouble because of me."

your expression softened. "i can handle whatever comes our way. besides, you're worth it. i believe in you, and i believe in us."

he met your gaze, a mix of gratitude and something resembling hope in his eyes. maybe, just maybe, he could let go of the fear that had held him captive for so long. with you by his side, he felt a glimmer of the happiness he'd convinced himself was unattainable.

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