Chapter 2(ik its been a while im so sorry)

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Hawks was just walking around and he saw a kid almost get hit, he knew their deal but he couldn't do it, he had to save the kid. He zoomed and saved the kid. "You ok kid?" The kid nods. Hawks gets up he got a call on his phone, unknown which means either dabi or a scammer. He pats her head and he heads back home as to not get caught by endever. But today was just his unlucky day. He ran right into him.

Endever glared. "Aren't u sick hawks."
He nods and coughs again. "Yeah I went to make sure it wasn't contagious or something- I'll be in tomorrow-" he flew home and went to unlock his door and realized it was open.

His eyes went wide his blood ran cold. He quietly stepped inside and instantly relaxed once he saw dabi. "It's not 24 hours yet-" dabi rolls his eyes. "I saw you save that kid." Kiego opened his mouth to protest dabi put his hand up. "Don't care about your protest." Hawks glares "she would've !!-" dabi interrupted him "ah ah ah- I said- I. Don't. Care." Hawks huffed tears pricking his eyes,he went into his room his endever plush was gone."what did u do with it dabi." Hawks glares ."what u don't even like him anyway why do you have it." Dabi said in protest. "Give it back. It's- sentemental." He said just exauhsted with the day. "Mmm...why should I." He grins "come on t-....." hawks sighs and looks down he used to play with Toya like that as kids as he was always shorter."never mind I don't care..." he went to his room and closed and locked the door and he curlled up in bed.

Dabis eyes were wide. He honestly thought he would've forgotten him at this point his heart quickened at the realization that he remembered. He picked up the stuffed endever . He knocked. "Decent feather face?" Hawks huffs. "Ok well I'm comming in-" he melted the handle off and he walks in and he tossed the endever plush at him ."here's ur dumb flaming pile of shit." He left the room. hawks gently held it and sighs remembering all the memories and he tears up sniffling. Dabi knew what day it was. He knew why hawks was so upset, it's the day dabi staged his death and became a villain. However he couldn't call the deal off as shigaraki genuinely wanted hawks to be a recruit. Dabi was honestly just giving him a chance to escape with the deal. He stole a beer from the hero's fridge. The hero never even touched them.

The taller villain opened a beer and chugged it. Hawks felt tears fall down his face, he wiped them, he hated feeling like this. Dabi hated hearing him cry in all truth. He took out another two beers and went into hawks room. "Hey you depressed ass bird." Hawks glared at dabi rage and sadness in his eyes. "What."

Dabi sat next to him . "Nice bed I bet u liked buying it with all the money u earn being a hero and all- beer?" He offered one to hawks who sighed and took it sitting up. "Fuck it theirs no point" he takes it and takes a swig. "See your getting it-" dabi takes a big gulp. He sighs. "So why'd u become a villian Mr bacon bits" dabi gasped dramatically "ouch ohh right in the - actually I don't care-" he takes a sip. "Also why do u care 'hero'" hawks huffed. "Damn fucking forgive me to asking u sack of shit." He chugged the beer and went to leave the room. Dabi rolled his eyes . "Whatever- " he chugged the beer setting it down. "You excited to have a partnership bird brain?" He said trying to get any rise out of hawks, he liked the snarky come backs and hawks bright attitude. "What's with u why are u" dabi glares and gets pissed at that remark .

He grabbed the winged hero and pinned him against the wall his eyes glowing bright blue. "Like. Fucking. What." Hawks glares and shoved him off. "I was gonna say nice but never fucking mind asshole!!-" he flipped him off and went to the kitchen and grabbed edibles out of the medicine cabinet and plops it in his mouth and sighs. "Want one u burnt prick." Dabi sighs and he takes one and eats it. At this point he had two whole beers and an extra strength edible in him whilst kiego had almost a full beer but he missed quite a bit that was still left in the can and he had an extra strength edible. 

He sighs and went to go back to the room. Dabi glares "I'm not nice." Hawks rolls his eyes a flips him off. "And I don't have wings." Dabi rolled his eyes. "What?-" he states. Kiego stops and looks back "what I thought were we're saying blatant lies."  He went to turn back and dabi got up and grabbed him by the shirt and pinned him to the wall. "I'm . Not. Fucking. Nice." He said extremely ticked. Kiego rolls his eyes . "Whatever you say nice guy-" that remark only caused dabi to get closer. "Say it again I dare you." Kiego fake gasps "or what. You will kill ur new recruit who honestly has nothing left in him and was genuinely trying to complement someone he knows?." Dabi opened his mouth and hawks huffs basically saying fuck it and throwing shit at the fan. He grabs Dabis face and kisses him. Dabis eyes went wide as sparks appeared. He pinned the blonde male down more roughly and grinned. "Didn't know u felt that way~" kiego huffs and looks away "look at me pretty bird~" kiego refused.

TBC I can't just finish this cause I'll fall asleep and forget it sorry!! (992 words)

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