Chapter 8 (angst)

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The second dabi walked in he was tackled by toga. "Hey get off!!" Toga let go. "You're all over the news- you're basically a celebrity now!!" Toya was confused . "What?." Toga pulled up the news and showed him "HEADLINE: presumed DEAD Toya todoroki child of ENDEVER found alive and to be the infamous villian dabi." Toga read very exaggerated. "Well-......fuck-" toga giggels. "It says u we're in the "pro hero hawk's house" what's thaaatt abouuuttt hmmmm??" He rolls his eyes and sighs. "Crusty do you know if-" soon what seemed to be bars of black with red streaks came in and stabbed dabi, he coughed blood his eyes wide. Shigaraki's eyes widened and ran to him but the same material blocked shigaraki from getting to him. All for one was here. Toga tried to get to Toya and the same happened to her.

Kiego finished all the paperwork and sighs . "Oh my god I'm finally done-" miriko nods. "Yup!- damn- his bail pay made a dent in your pocket-" he sighs "at least the house is paid off and my furniture- and I don't use a car or buy much food or anything- so I should be ok to not be bankrupt-" miriko nods. "Oh yeah you're far from bankrupting I'm just saying- maybe next few months don't like- party or anything so your balance goes back up- alright- let's go turn these in yeah?" Kiego nods and gets up and they walks out. Endeavor was gone kiego shrugs and got a news alert on his phone he read it his eyes wide. "Oh no-" miriko looked over and read it her eyes wide. "Oh he's fuuuuckkkeedd- " she said. Kiego huffs and sighs. "Come on let's get this done- I'll contact the head of hero department and have them remove it from the news-" he sent them a message for them to do that and the two began to walk to a court to pay Toya's bail then walk to hawk's agency to get the paperwork filed.

Toya started to get lightheaded, he saw afo walk into view. His hopes of being with kiego again and being happy once more starting to slip. "N-no-" he mutter spitting blood at afo and making a ragging flame and managing to break free. The spikes still in him. He stumbled away. Afo continued to follow. "Don't try to run. You will be of much better use as a nomu. Like kurogiri." Toyas eyes widened as adrenaline filled him. He started to run as he bled and lit afo on fire. That cause him to have to stop for a moment while Toya ran for his life. His memories with kiego flashing before his eyes. He knew he wouldn't be able to escape what he had done. But if he was gonna die. It was gonna be in kiegos arms. Or he wasn't gonna die. Or at least. It's what he wanted. He ran fast as his legs would carry him.

"DAMMIT!! WHERE IS THAT BRAT?!" Afo yelled . He stormed back inside. "SHIGARAKI FIND HIM AND BRING HIM TO ME. now." Shigaraki glares at afo and spits in his face. "Go fuck yourself asshole." Afo glares. "Find him. Or I'll kill that precious little rabbit girl u like so much." Shigaraki laughed "I HAVE ALL YOUR POWER AND MORE ILL JUST BRING HER BACK. And . I'll. Kill. You. BASTARD!!" Shigaraki touched the rods the disintegration starting to rapidly go towards afo. It caused him to jolt back a slight bit. "Foolish child." Shigaraki huffs and puts his hands on the ground making a giant hole. Burying afo alive. "EVERYONE OUT !! GO! GO! GO!!" Shigaraki yelled breaking the barriers .

Toya felt hot bloody streams of blood fall from his eyes and mouth and nose. He knew he didn't have much left. "N-no-" he started to get slower the lightheadedness affecting him. He was running down an alleyway and saw his familiar winged hero, just before he could call out he felt himself start to drift away. He felt to the ground the rods going all the way through. Kiego looked down the alleyway as he heard a noise. He saw Toya and ran to him. "NO!!" He screamed tears falling. He picks him up. "M-MIRIKO CALL 911!!" He holds Toya close.

"P-please d-don't die-"tears started to fall down hawk's face as miriko dialed 911 explaining the situation. "They said it's a ten minute wait- as we're far from the paramedics and to not remove the rods-" kiego nods and holds Toyas face. Toya managed to lean into his touch and smile weakly. "I love you...." He said and went to reach his hand up to touch his face as he smiles softly. But before he could reach his hand fell. His eyes started to go dull. "I-I love you t-too- p-please- I-i can't loose you!!" Kiego sobbed his wings drooping as he held Toya close. "P-please hold on- p-please!!"

Kiegos vision was blurry because of the tears. He hadn't cried this hard since the first time he heard Toya had died. Now it was real. He was in his arms. Dyeing . And he could do nothing but watch and hold him. Miriko rubbed kiegos back. "He's gonna be ok...i promise" kiego sobbed. "H-how do you know- w-what if-" miriko shakes her head. " don't think like that- five minutes and the ambulance will be here- check his pulse-" kiego nods and gently places two fingers on Toyas neck under his jaw. "I-it's still th-their b-but it's-" miriko shakes her head as for him to not say it. "Keep holding him I think I might have a first aid kit-" she dug around in her bag. She couldn't find it. "Please hold on Toya...p-please-" the ambulance arrived . By then Toya had just lost his pulse. They started to stop the bleeding and perform cpr.

They wouldn't let kiego ride in the ambulance so he followed it to the hospital and waited . Toya was rushed into emergency surgery and they started to remove the rods. His body seemed to try and cauterize its own wounds. However that helped the bleeding that now needed to sew him up.

It was an extremely long surgery. Many surgeons and nurses went in and out of the room multiple times. A nurse came out to hawks about twelve hours later. "I-is he ok?" Hawks aid looking at her, his eyes red from crying . "The surgery isn't done yet- but we have a room ready for him if you would like to wait in their- theirs a cot in case it takes 24 hours-" kiego nods "alright..." the nurse pats his back. "It's gonna be ok- the room is 302- go up the stairs to floor c and it should be the second door to your right-" hawks nods and does as he is told.

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