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My sweethearts,

It's too early for games so I'll let you enjoy. Close your rooms, or clench your thighs in public.

Bet I'll make it throb today.

t/w: orgy, lesbians, soft BDSM, foursome, brother's girlfriend, dominant, sadism, and machoism.


I had no clue where I was. But my breaths were heavier than when I entered this mansion's doors. From outside, it was pristine white, decorated spotless with lamps and luxuries one can only dream of.

But the more steps I took, I could hear the voices loud and clear. The moans, the pleas, the ecstasy-

"Don't worry, nobody's going to touch you unless you don't want to be touched." My roommate Kareena clutched my hand tighter in reassurance.

And my traitorous heart started beating faster. Her blue eyes were so damn gorgeous it was hard to look away. The way her blonde hair fell in waves on her delicate pale shoulders, I wanted to wrap my hand around it and shove her to her knees. I wanted her to peer at me from those big blue eyes while I made a mess of her supple pink lips.

I wanted to do a lot of things for her. Things I shouldn't be doing, for she was my twin brother's girlfriend. Though they were in an open relationship, and it was Kareena's idea to bring me to this orgy, wanting to eat your brother's girlfriend's cunt even after she fainted wasn't ideal.

We were of the same age, while I was taller with black hair and curves, she was the definition of an angel.

An angel I wanted to wreak.

"Are you ready?"

She asked me with excitement in her voice as we both stood in front of a huge wooden door. It was in front of this door, that I let go of all the pretenses.

Tonight, it was about seeing my angel writhing.

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