
907 24 20

Hey there!

Soooo, this is the first time I'm uploading a story on wattpad. Tbh the first time I've ever written a story properly.

I started writing this 7 to 8 months back but never uploaded it because I hesitated A LOT. But all thanks to a few of my friends who gave good reviews about my idea and motivated me to go ahead with it, I finally went along with the plan.

This story may not be the one you must have endlessly surfed through wattpad. And if it isn't, then please don't comment about how bad the plot is. Though constructive criticism is always welcome.

Wattpad is a safe place to pen down our thoughts so that we can share them with the rest of the world. With this thought I have decided to upload, Paradox. 

Now coming onto something really important. I'm an 11th grader. So like I have no time to do extra stuff. Yet I went ahead with Paradox. Updates may not be regular. (I don't even want to go ahead with an updating schedule because I have like no idea whether this will even be good enough lol).

I really hope that you guys enjoy! I've put my heart and soul into this book.


ParadoxWhere stories live. Discover now