Figuring Out

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Mahi was pacing around in the kitchen. It was 11:37 at night and this would be her first time being alone in a room with her husband dearest.

She couldn't bring herself to step out of the kitchen. This was the only place that she had actually spent good amount of time in.

Her sweet sisters-in-law were always there, chatting with her.
And the snobs of the oh so royal family never stepped in the kitchen.

She could eat whatever she wanted without her mother constantly nagging her about her figure.

"Is my presence making it so hard for you to enter our room?"

She heard a rich, godly voice interfere her train of thoughts. Mahi sighed. No matter how much you try to run away from something, it always finds a way to come to you!

She turned around slowly and looked at Aadit. He was filling his water bottle. Damn...could've atleast leaned against the door for special effects! What a disappointment.

She mustered up the courage and denied, "It's not that!"

Aadit raised his right brow and looked at her questioningly. "Is that so?"

Mahi cleared her throat and nodded hesitantly. "Ye-yeah that's it."

"Oh well, then pray tell me what it is." Aadit was amused by her nervousness but didn't say a word. He kept his face neutral and stared at her with his hands in his pockets.

Mahi hadn't thought of any excuse by then. She obviously didn't want him to know that she had been thinking of him. Poor her. The only thing that came to her mind at that moment was, "Digestion".

Aadit was taken aback. "Digestion?!"

Mahi got excited. She'd thought of an excuse at last! "Yes yes! Digestion. I was taking a walk in the kitchen to digest my food!"

Aadit was left flabbergasted. Out of all the things, digestion was what she came up with? It's easy to say that she was terrible at lying.

"Lying are we now?" He raised his eyebrow and questioned her sternly.

Mahi frowned. "Why would I lie? Is it wrong to take care of your health? Now that's wrong on so many levels!"

Aadit scoffed and said, "Me?! Liar? Look who's talking!"

Now this disrespect was a no go for Mahi. Her voice suddenly became stern. "Excuse me?"

Aadit took notice of the change in voices. Clearly, she's a good actor. Being able to switch personalities, that quick was definitely not a normal person's cup of tea.

" to say. You are a really good liar. Manipulating my family huh? Just because you failed to pay the humongous debts does not mean you can weasel your way in whenever you like!"

Aadit was furious at this point. How could she act innocent.

Mahi let out a sarcastic laugh. "Yeah Mr. Ranawat! I'm such a bitch! A gold digger, manipulator! That's what you want to call me right? Because I would simply die to be a part of such a great family! A family which is so modern, open and treats its daughters, blood or not, in the best manner! That's just my dream family!"

She was in rage now. She was huffing in anger.

"Good night, sir. I hope you dream of some more non-existent characteristics that I possess. I would genuinely be very interested to know them tomorrow morning. Infact I'll add a few more to them. They are specially reserved by my great and loving family members and that would surely make you delightful!"

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