Is It Worth Regretting?

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Chapter 5

Abhimaan stood staring at the distraught and shocked looking Mahika.

"What are you doing here?" Mahika screeched at Abhimaan. She as it is hadn't got any sleep. And now seeing her husband stand in front of her in her office, who could be the potential client that she had been cursing at every day, shattered all her motivation that she had collected with the prospect of earning good money.

"You come 45 minutes late and then shout at me? That's hell lot of guts you have!" Abhimaan sarcastically chuckled.

Mahika scoffed but didn't say anything. She knew her top notch work could outshine this one mistake. He would never meet an interior designer better than her! There is a reason why she was promoted so early in her career.

"Since you have clearly wasted 45 minutes of my precious time-" He looked behind me, "I'd like to reschedule a meeting with a different interior designer, Mr. Verma!"

Shit. Fuck- were the words Mahika uttered in her mind. Her boss was right behind her. Thankfully he hadn't come across Mahika's outburst because she did not want to be on the receiving end of the endless questions of how she already knew Abhimaan.

But guess whose gonna get their ass whooped?

That's right, the infamous, yet not so famous wife of Mr. Abhimaan Ranawat! Isn't this simply a treat.

Mahika slowly turned around to see the furious gleam in her boss's eyes, Nitin Verma. Although, she couldn't see his face because she was busy looking down at her shoes and could only imagine what a chaos of expressions must've been created on his face.

She knew she was doomed. She could feel the money slipping away from her hands.

"I'm genuinely sorry for my employee's behaviour today sir. She is never late and takes her work very seriously."

Abhimaan cocked his eyebrow because he knew how Mahika always rushed to the office at this specific timing. Though, today she was extra late. If he had known beforehand that his wife would be leading the project for his pent-house, he would've made sure to hire a different company altogether.

"Moreover, we don't have any other of the designers free to carry out this kind of project. Most of our high ended employees are already busy with other projects and some aren't capable enough because we want them to gain the best training and experience to take up such top-notch projects." Nitin looked at him apologetically.

Abhimaan sarcastically chuckled and rolled his eyes. "You should've started with this reason."

Nitin continued, "Please do give her another chance sir. She'll make sure to abide by all of your needs. Won't you Mahika?" She could easily suspect the sternness behind her boss's oh so sweet voice.

She looked over at her husband to find him smirking at her. Obviously, he is very happy to hear these words, especially when it involved his wife that he hated to no end.

Mahika grit her teeth and slowly replied, "Of course I would!"

Almost immediately Abhimaan stated enthusiastically, "Good then! When do we start this?"

"Whenever you want sir."

"Today evening, 5:30. Be. Ready." On saying this, he walked out leaving Mahika alone with her boss, whom she knew she'd get a good lecture from.

But surprisingly, all she got almost pleadingly was, "Please don't let me down. I need you to do your best!" And he walked away.

Mahika sighed to herself. "I'll try to."

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