A Shattered Heart & New Beginnings

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Chapter 6

The husband and wife sat staring at each other coldly, none of them wanting to waver their eye contact. Their trial at intimidating the other so far, wasn't working. Both were determined enough to put each other down as much as they could. But all that they had made success as of now was boring into the other's eyes and waiting for the other to bow down.

But their staring contest was cut short when Nitin Verma entered the meeting room, multitasking with a bunch of papers.

"Sir, Mahika has brainstormed some ideas in the past week. So maybe we could start out discussion with this?" Nitin stated, clearly not realising the obvious tension between the two.

Abhimaan nodded in order to proceed with the meeting.

Taking a sigh, Mahika got up towards the projector to start with the presentation.

"I looked into the pictures that were sent to me. It is your hotel that you wish to redesign, am I correct?" Mahika questioned.


Mahika nodded and continued, "Before I start talking about the possible changes we could do to the interior, we can take up this project from two directions. One; either I make changes to the interior for which you are originally consulting us for. Or, we make changes to the architecture of the building."

Abhimaan's eyes shot up. "You mean to say that you want to change the constructional design of the hotel?"

"I know this is something you wouldn't want to step into. But hear me out. The building needs some sort of reconstruction. The property is nicely built, but there aren't many open spaces that could give people some peace. It's grand yes, but only to live for a few days. If you break down some walls here and there and restructure them, it would force the people to spend more time. More time means more days. More days means more money. It also means, good reviews and in no time, you'll have people flooding in and reservations made four months prior. If I keep adding things, or changing them here and there, it would be refreshing to look at, but congested and constricted to live in."

Abhimaan thought for a moment. Technically she was right.

"Moreover, your hotel is built in a secluded place. Most of the times, the sole reason people live in such secluded places is to have a few peaceful days, with absolutely no cars or honking to disturb them. Giving them a feel of something which is more open, more breezy, would work in your benefit only."

Nitin who hadn't spoken for long, pitched in, "She's right sir. Creating an open space would be more inviting. Peace is something which people are looking for in this chaotic world. Why not make it for them?"

"I understand your point. But the hotel going nonfunctional would not be good for business. We have people entering the market every moment. On top of that, all those employees working in the hotel would be out of jobs for the time being except the ones who we are permanently contracted with."

Mahika gave it a thought and said, "We could visit the hotel. I'll look into the nitigrities and have an architect from our firm lead the project with me. We'll start the restructuring in specific parts of the hotel and then move forward. This way, your employees could work without any problems coming in and simultaneously keep the hotel running. Moreover, the re-construction would keep your customers updated with the newly added aspects to the hotel. And no sooner, you'll have loyal clients who would be excited to stay in the newly constructed parts as well. It's all about psychological play."

Needless to say, Abhimaan was impressed. He had never seen Mahika talk so passionately about something. And somewhere or the other, he liked this side of her.

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