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Chapter 3

While at one end of the world Arjun was busy having a mid-life crisis in Germany, his wife on the other hand was busy listening to her in laws tantrums.

"CAN'T YOU GET THIS RIGHT FOR ONCE?!" Prabha was shouting at Taranya like anything. The entire house would've shook by now if her words were a tsunami, which in a way, they really were.

Taranya's eyes were downcast the entire time. She didn't even know why she was being shouted at in the first place. She felt ashamed of how everybody was standing and looking at her get scolded as if she were a two-year-old when in fact she was the eldest daughter in-law.


Mahika who was standing nonchalant suddenly whipped her eyes at her mother in-law. It was her who always made the parantha. And Taranya always told her to add less salt. But of course, Mahika, who absolutely hated her in-laws would do anything to make them uncomfortable.

She wouldn't even care if her adding salt more than necessary would place someone in the hospital. Rather, she would happily aid them to put them in heaven, rather hell, for this family.

Regardless of everything, she did feel very bad about Taranya getting the whips end. She was the sweetest person to ever exist on Earth. She never raised her voice at anybody, which was extremely contradictory to how her husband was. She was like this really soft and innocent bird who flew with the sweetest melody and made everyone's days happy.

But what Mahika didn't know was that Taranya's wings were in fact clipped. She didn't even have the freedom to walk because she was caged and that even though she could make others days joyful, there was no one to make her happy.

"Mummy ji, I make the paranthas." Mahika spoke up. She didn't care if she would get scolded in return.

Prabha looked over at her third eldest daughter-in-law and spoke icily, "I know that, Mahika! But it still is Taranya's responsibility to take care of everything. She has to learn to stop being so incapable. I understand that she has come from a very uncharacteristic background. But it's high time that she realises how things work here."

Before Mahika could say something else in return, Prabha walked out leaving Taranya almost in tears.

Prabha was always partial towards Mahika, because she chose her, herself. Well, it was really a business deal between two wealthy families, so not much of a choice. But all that mattered for Prabha was the prospect of being rich.

Taranya on the other hand was treated in the complete opposite way. She was barely given any respect to in the family other than the helpers and her sisters-in-law. Abhiraj, Aadit and Abhimaan were never interested in taking part in the family, which was also the very sole reason why they ignored their wives. Anything even associated to the word family was out of question for them. Therefore, Taranya was nobody except a blood relation for them and so were the other sisters-in-law.

"Bhabhi I'm genuinely sorry. If there's someone incapable here, it should be me!" Mahika spoke apologetically.

Taranya tried to stop her tears at bay. She didn't want anybody to think that she was weak. As it is, she had gone through enough in her life to not feel sad over every little insult.

"It's really okay Mahika. I'm at fault here, I should've taken care of everything." Taranya tried to reason with her and quickly walked out of the room.

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