Chanhao - All My Love

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Dino and Minghao, despite being idols in the same group, find themselves unable to suppress their growing feelings for each other. These emotions, rooted in deep love, clash with the strict rules against inter-group dating.

Both are forced to hide their burgeoning feelings, fearing the repercussions of breaking the rules. However, their passionate love can't be contained for long. Witnessing their struggle, the other members, decide to intervene.

Unable to bear the sight of Dino and Minghao's sadness and longing, they band together to help the two confess their true feelings, ultimately uniting them in love despite the odds stacked against them.


The practice room was filled with the familiar sounds of Seventeen's rehearsals. Dino and Minghao moved gracefully through their choreography, their movements synchronized as if they were dancing as one. As they danced, their eyes met, and for a brief moment, time seemed to stand still.

Dino felt a rush of warmth spread through him as he looked into Minghao's eyes. There was something about the way Minghao moved, the way his eyes sparkled with determination, that made Dino's heart skip a beat.

He had known for a while now that his feelings for Minghao went beyond friendship, but he had never dared to voice them out loud. Minghao, too, felt the intensity of their connection. He had always admired Dino's passion and dedication, but lately, his feelings had deepened into something more.

He found himself drawn to Dino in ways he couldn't explain, and it scared him. As they finished their routine, they paused to catch their breath, their eyes still locked in a silent exchange. Minghao took a step closer to Dino, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Do you ever wonder... what if things were different?" He asked, his gaze searching Dino's for any sign of understanding. Dino's heart raced at Minghao's words. He knew exactly what Minghao was asking, and the thought had crossed his mind more times than he could count.

"All the time." He admitted, his voice filled with longing. "But we both know the rules." Minghao nodded, his expression reflecting the same mix of longing and resignation. "I don't want to jeopardize our careers." He said, his voice tinged with sadness.

"But it's getting harder to ignore how I feel." Dino reached out and gently brushed Minghao's cheek with his fingertips. "I know." He said softly. "I feel it too." They stood there in silence, their hearts heavy with the weight of their unspoken words.

They knew that their love was forbidden, that the rules of their industry frowned upon relationships between members of the same group. But as they looked into each other's eyes, they also knew that their feelings were too strong to ignore.

After practice, the members of Seventeen gathered in their usual meeting spot, a small lounge area where they often discussed their schedules and upcoming events. Today, however, their conversation took a different turn.

"I think it's time we did something about Dino and Minghao." Jun said, his tone was serious. "They've been dancing around their feelings for too long." The other members nodded in agreement, their expressions filled with determination.

They had all noticed the way Dino and Minghao looked at each other, the subtle touches and glances that spoke volumes about their hidden love. "We need to find a way to help them." Joshua added, his voice thoughtful.

"But we have to be careful. We don't want to get them in trouble." "I have an idea." Seungkwan piped up, a mischievous glint in his eye. "What if we set up a fake mission for them? You know, like a secret mission to confess their feelings to each other."

Dino / Lee Chan OneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ