Ot13 - Not Alone

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Dino found some hate comments about him on internet and now he is depressed.

Couldn't write hate about Chan. 🥺❤️‍🩹


Dino sat alone in his room, scrolling through his phone with a heavy heart. His usually bright eyes were clouded with sadness as he read the hurtful comments that had been directed at him on the internet.

Words like 'untalented, overrated, not deserving' seemed to jump out at him from the screen, piercing through his soul like sharp daggers. He had always tried to stay positive and ignore the negativity that sometimes came his way, but today it felt different.

The weight of the comments seemed to crush him, making him question his worth as an idol and as a person. He couldn't understand why anyone would say such cruel things about him when all he wanted to do was make people happy with his music and performances.

As tears welled up in his eyes, Dino felt a wave of loneliness wash over him. He wished he could talk to his hyungs about it, but he didn't want to burden them with his problems. He knew they had their own struggles to deal with, and he didn't want to add to their worries.

Feeling lost and defeated, Dino hugged his knees to his chest and buried his face in his hands. He didn't know how to shake off the feeling of worthlessness that had settled over him. All he could do was hope that tomorrow would be a better day.

As days passed, Dino's mood continued to spiral downward. He found it increasingly difficult to muster up the energy to practice or even smile during their performances. His once lively demeanor had been replaced by a quiet and withdrawn presence that worried his members.

Seungkwan, who had initially noticed the change, now saw it becoming more pronounced. He observed how Dino would often retreat into himself, avoiding conversations and isolating himself from the group.

His laughter, which used to fill the room, had now become a rare occurrence. Jeonghan also sensed something was off with Dino. He noticed the way Dino's eyes seemed to lose their spark, and how he would sometimes stare into space with a distant look in his eyes.

Jeonghan tried to reach out to Dino, but he found it hard to break through the walls Dino had built around himself. The other members, too, began to notice the change in Dino. Mingyu noticed how he had become more withdrawn and less talkative.

Minghao sensed his friend's pain but didn't know how to help him. As Dino's depression deepened, his members became increasingly concerned. They could see that something was weighing heavily on his mind, but they didn't know how to reach out to him.

They tried to be there for him, offering words of encouragement and support, but it seemed like Dino was slipping further away from them with each passing day. One day, while cleaning up the practice room, Hoshi stumbled upon Dino's phone lying forgotten on a chair.

As he picked it up, he noticed the screen was still lit, displaying a social media app. Curious, he unlocked the phone and saw the hateful comments that had been directed at Dino. Hoshi's heart sank as he read through the hurtful words.

He couldn't believe that someone would say such things about Dino, who had always been so hardworking and passionate about his craft. Hoshi knew that Dino had been struggling lately, but seeing the comments firsthand made him realize just how much they were affecting his friend.

Quickly, Hoshi called the other members over, and they gathered around him, looking at the screen in shock. Joshua's eyes widened in disbelief, and Jeonghan's brows furrowed in anger as he read through the comments.

Minghao's expression darkened, his fists clenched in frustration. "This is awful." Mingyu said, his voice filled with anger. "How could anyone say such things about Dino? He doesn't deserve this." "We have to do something." Seungcheol said, his voice determined.

"We can't let Dino go through this alone." The members nodded in agreement, united in their resolve to support Dino. They knew that they had to find a way to help him overcome this dark period in his life, and they were willing to do whatever it took to lift his spirits.

As the members discussed how to help Dino, Wonwoo suggested talking to their manager about the situation. "Maybe they can monitor Dino's social media or block those accounts." Wonwoo suggested. "We need to protect him from this negativity."

Dokyeom nodded in agreement. "We can also make sure to spend more time with him, especially outside of work." He added. "Maybe we can plan some fun activities to lift his spirits."

Joshua  chimed in, "Let's remind him of how much we appreciate him and his talents. Maybe we can write him some encouraging messages or even surprise him with a small gift." The members agreed on their plan of action.

They would talk to their manager about monitoring Dino's social media and block any harmful accounts. They would also make an effort to spend more time with him, planning activities that would help him relax and take his mind off things.

And most importantly, they would shower him with love and appreciation, reminding him that he was valued and supported by his brothers in Seventeen. In the following days, the members put their plan into action.

They made sure to spend extra time with Dino, inviting him to join them for meals and activities outside of their busy schedule. They tried to create a positive and supportive environment for him, showering him with words of encouragement and small gestures of kindness.

Jun took it upon himself to check in on Dino regularly, offering a listening ear whenever he needed to talk. Woozi made sure to keep an eye on him, subtly monitoring his mood and offering him a comforting presence.

Vernon tried to engage Dino in conversations about things other than work, hoping to distract him from the negativity. Minghao made an effort to spend one-on-one time with him, knowing that sometimes all Dino needed was a friend to lean on.

As the days passed, Dino began to open up more to his members. He shared his feelings of insecurity and self-doubt, admitting that the hateful comments had taken a toll on his mental health. The members listened attentively, offering words of encouragement and reassurance.

Slowly but surely, Dino's mood began to lift. The constant support and love from his members helped him see that he was not alone in his struggles. He began to smile more often, his laughter gradually returning to brighten up their practice room once again.

Though the road to recovery was not easy, Dino knew that he had his brothers in Seventeen by his side, ready to support him every step of the way. And with their unwavering support, he knew that he would be able to overcome this dark period in his life and emerge stronger than ever.

As Dino's spirits lifted, the members noticed a change in him. His smile became more genuine, and his laughter echoed through the practice room once again. They were relieved to see their maknae returning to his usual self, filled with energy and enthusiasm.

One evening, as they gathered for a meal, Seokmin raised his glass. "To Dino, our bright and talented maknae." He said with a smile. "We're so proud of you for overcoming this tough time." The other members joined in, raising their glasses in a toast. "To Dino!"

They chorused. Dino looked around at his members, feeling a surge of gratitude and love for each of them. "Thank you, guys." He said, his voice filled with emotion. "I couldn't have done it without you. You're my strength."

"We'll always be here for you, Dino." Seungcheol said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "No matter what." The members smiled at each other, knowing that they had weathered yet another storm together.

As they continued to enjoy their meal, the bond between them grew even stronger, reaffirming their commitment to always be there for each other, no matter what challenges lay ahead.

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