The New Years Masquerade (Haylijah)

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Hayley never liked parties, however it was her friend's brother who threw the masquerade ball and she wanted to be a good friend so she agreed to come to the masquerade ball. Rebekah or Bekah for short was delighted to hear her say yes to coming, so much so that she even went shopping with her, earlier that week and invited her over to get ready. The green dress fit her body very well and looked absolutely stunning, Hayley was nervous for as long as she had known Bekah, she had never met any of her family. Always out of town dealing with as Bekah puts it business, however Hayley wasn't interested in her brother's business seeing how a werewolf in vampire's business always ends badly. The only thing she knew about her brothers was their names and the fact that they are the originals, the first vampires and by far the deadliest family out there.

There you are, hiding away in the corner. Bekah said as she finally had found her, 'I was beginning to believe that you decided not to show up tonight,' she added as she grabbed two drinks and handed her one of them. Hayley always tried to keep her promises if she could, it was rare to see her break any promises. She took a drink from her glass and smiled at her blonde friend who was already staring at Marcel Gerard. Hayley knew all about how Rebekah felt for Marcel even though her older brother Klaus didn't approve of them together, but she believed that they would end sooner or later.

"Of course, I came as I promise I would" Hayley said as she smiled at her, "go talk to him" she added, making Bekah look at her, Hayley grinned at her surprise since she didn't realize that Hayley noticed the looks between the two. "You deserve to enjoy yourself and be free from everything for one night" she hummed as she gave her a little nudge in his direction. Hayley gave her a thumbs up before she headed over to an empty table and sat down with her drink, not wanting to stand up for a moment as her heels were hurting her feet. "Whoever designed heels wanted to torture women '' she mumbled to herself which got a chuckle from behind her.

"Well I do remember the man wanting to punish his wife when he came up with the idea of heels, he just never suspected that it would backfire on him" A guy said from behind her. Hayley turned around in her seat and looked at him, "You must be Rebekah's werewolf friend, I'm Elijah" he said introducing himself to her. She quickly noticed how beautiful his eyes were, the mesmerizing hazel brown making her forget where she was at for a moment.

"Yes, I'm Hayley, you must be one of Rebekah's brothers" Hayley said as she held out her hand to him to shake his hand. "It's nice to meet you," she added as she took a drink from her glass after shaking his hand, 'Do you always have parties like this?" she asked him while holding her heel that she had taken off just a few moments ago.

"Only when our brother Niklaus is in a pleasant mood, and he comes up with the idea of a parties" Elijah said, before adding "Parties isn't one of my ideas for fun, something always ends the parties in a bloody in some kind of way He nodded as he held out his hand again. "May I have a dance?" he asked Hayley much to her surprise but she took his hand while nodding agreeing to a dance. Hayley would be lying if she said that she didn't find him interesting.Interested in the way he dress and spoke, he acted like a gentleman which was something Hayley wasn't used to because there hardly any guys like that nowadays

"Sure, there isn't anything better to do" Hayley smiled as she let him lead her out onto the dance floor. Soon after getting to the middle of the dance floor Elijah started to lead her in dancing since she didn't know how to dance too well, she also noticed Rebekah and Marcel nearby dancing together, Bekah winking at her when she noticed her werewolf friend dancing with her brother. Hayley smiled at her friend's behavior and looked back at Elijah. "You are a good dancer, I'm guessing that you have had many years of practice at it" she said as she tried to start a conversation up.

"I never really found dancing enjoyable, but of course maybe it's because of who I chose to dance with," Elijah said as he chuckled slightly. Hayley agreed with him on that, anyone that she had danced with before was annoying her because they kept stepping on her feet. She chuckled as she nodded her head.

"Yeah, some people don't know how to dance without stepping on feet," she joked as she smiled. She realized how late it was, it was almost midnight, almost time for a new year. Hayley suddenly couldn't see how everyone told her all of the Originals family was evil and not to be trusted, especially when she feels the safest she even has been right now Something her soul telling her that she could trust the man in front of her, even if he was supposedly a monster just like his brother. However Hayley knew that it wasn't true, he wasn't a monster, he was a man who would do anything to keep his family safe no matter what.

"No, they really don't know Elijah hummed in agreement, he stopped the dance and smiled at her. "Come with me, I have something to show you" he added as he led her off of the dance floor and into the garden that they started years ago that was now being taken care of again. I remember helping Rebekah start this garden years ago, she was delighted to have a garden again, said that this place is our last stopping place, no more running, no more fleeing from our father" Elijah said, "I really hoped that she was right but it wasn't even a year later until we had to leave, our father had found us and forced us to flee once again" he added as he picked one of the red rose and put it in Hayley's hair.

"Your father sounds like a prick" Hayley said as she looked up at him, "I can't imagine what it was like spending so many years on the run, never staying in one place" she added as she gave his hand a squeeze. She had only heard rumors about why the Mikaelson's had left all those years ago, but none of them came close to being true. She always wanted to ask Rebekah but she didn't want to bring up her past as she had seen how she reacted to someone mentioning it before.

"Of course I wouldn't wish my father wrath on anyone" Elijah said as he placed his fingers underneath her chin and lifted her face up a little bit more before he leaned down and kissed her softly. As soon as he kissed her, she kissed him back as she saw the garden lighting up from the fireworks exploding and she could hear the loud cheering in the house. "Happy New Year, Hayley" Elijah said as he pulled away from the kiss, smiling.

"Happy New Year Elijah" Hayley said as she smiled back at him, he reached behind her head and untied her mask. "What is that for?" She asked as she looked at him, kinda confused as to why he untied her mask.

"Because beauty such as yours shouldn't be hidden by a mask" Elijah said as he removed her mask from her face. "It's just a silly thing to me for someone to wear a mask as well" he added as he took off his black mask. He leaned down and kissed her again once both of their masks were off and continued kissing until Hayley got a text from one of her pack members telling her that she needed to get back home because one of the members was hexed by a witch.

"I would love to stay but I have some business to deal with" Hayley said as she read the text. "But I will see you again, I promise" she added as she smiled and kissed him once again. He smiled softly and nodded his head, he understood how she was needed to deal with whatever business she needed to deal with.

"Save me a dance for the next time we meet" Elijah said as he pulled away from her. "You are the only person I want to dance with from now on" he added as he pulled away from her. "We shall meet again soon, Hayley" he nodded as he stood right there walking her walking away, knowing that they would see each other again soon

A/N:This is an au, where Hayley doesn't know any of the Mikaelsons expect for her friend Rebekah until the masquerade ball. I hope you enjoy this, have a good day/night

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