Miss Mystic Falls (Delena)

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It has been quite a year, however, everything is going well now. Caroline living happily with Stefan, and Bonnie just coming back to Mystic Falls with Enzo. Everything was perfect in everyone's life now, no more Katherine and her evil plots and Klaus as far away as possible. As for Damon, she wasn't sure where he was at the moment, probably talking to the other guys while the girls got ready. Elena wasn't sure what to do with her hair for the dance until Caroline suggested having it braided since she thought about Katherine whenever her hair was curled now.

"Your hair is so pretty," Caroline said while braiding it as Elena did her makeup. She smiled at her friend, doing her mascara after she finished her smokey eyeshadow. She was thinking about the first Miss Mystic Falls dance that she did with Damon who was supposed to be Stefan but he wasn't there and Damon stepped in front so she wasn't alone.

"My hair seems so plain sometimes," Elena said as she chuckled, she always thought about doing something different with her hair. Like getting it cut shorter or dyed to a different color but with everything going on, she never took the time to do it. "I'm thinking about cutting it shorter," Elena said wanting to see what her friends thought about the idea. Caroline played with her hair for a moment as she hummed softly.

"I love your hair as it is but if you want to cut it shorter then it's your choice," Caroline said after Bonnie said that it was her decision. The girls continue talking for a few more minutes before Elena let Caroline tie the back of her dress. Elena had spent weeks searching for the best dress for this before she finally settled for a gorgeous black and red v-neckline tulle beaded evening gown. After finishing getting ready, she took her place behind one of the girls and glanced back over at Caroline and Bonnie in the line a little ways before her in their dresses. Bonnie went with a light blue dress while Caroline went with a classic red dress, both of her friends looked stunning. After some time, it was Elena that was called and she walked down the stairs to Damon.

"You look gorgeous," Damon said as Elena took his arm and walked outside, once outside they got in their spots. They had practiced this dance before as well as doing it as their first dance so they knew the dance very well. Once everyone was outside, they started to play the song and everyone started to dance with their partner. Elena smiled at Damon as they danced, they were so focused on each other that everyone else faded away and it was just the two of them. The pair continued dancing until the song was over and the music stopped playing and people started clapping, reminding them that they weren't alone. Damon and Elena spend a few more hours at the party, dancing or talking to their friends before they leave. "Come on, I have a surprise for you," Damon told her as he took her to his car and headed out to the woods. "It's a little bit of a walk but not too far," he said, turning off the car. Damon held her hand as they walked into the woods and to the spot that Damon had picked.

Damon had been planning this for weeks with some help from Alaric and Enzo, but it was mostly him. They set it up 30 minutes ago, the fairy lights up in the trees so they were shining like little stars, and some food that was recently put there was still hot and fresh. Elena was staring at everything in amazement as she started smiling brighter than the fairy lights. then did you have time to set this all up?" She asked as she turned and looked at him, applying her arms around his neck as she stood up on her tiptoes and kissed him lovingly. He needs it as he kissed her back while holding her close

"A few weeks of planning plus help from Alaric, Stefan, and Enzo" Damon chuckled as he pulled away from the kiss and spun her away, making her laugh in surprise. They ate the food that was there and continued to dance for hours until the sun was about to come back up. "Alright, baby time to go home, the sun is coming up He said as he realized that they was out there all night. They were laying on the blanket, enjoying the peace and they wanted to stay right in this moment forever. "Just a few more minutes? Elena asked as she cuddled into his side while watching the sun come up.

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