Fairytales (Klaroline)

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Fairy Tales was just stories to make life seem great but reality wasn't all magic, princes and happy ever afters, this was something that Caroline Forbes knew all too well. First she ended up breaking up with Tyler, and then losing Stefan after that she gave up on the whole romance idea and decided to focus on being a mother to her two girls, Lizzie and Josie. Even though she never stopped wanting a fairytale romance, probably because she found herself always reading the stories for her girls. So getting an invitation to a Masquerade ball that the Mikaelson family was throwing was a bit of a surprise. Nonetheless, she decided that she would go and have some fun since all she does is take care of her daughters or work and she deserved some fun. After dropping the girls off at their dad's house, Caroline headed to the Mikaelson's house.

She got there and slipped on her golden mask before heading into the house. As she got into the house, she walked through the doors and into the room. She would be lying if she said that it didn't feel like everyone was staring at her, she didn't really want to be the center of attention but it seems like tonight she was going to be. It didn't take her long before she was asked to dance by a stranger. Normally she would stay away from strangers but today was about having fun so she was going to dance with a few strangers.

"That's a nice bracelet" the stranger said while they danced, his voice sounding very familiar but she couldn't tell over the music. Unknown to her that he was hiding his accent when he spoke. The bracelet that she was wearing was the one that she got for her birthday from Klaus. The last she had heard about him was that he sacrificed himself to save his daughter, she had a lot of regret when it came to Klaus. She had tried so hard not to love him that she let him go and now she was never going to be able to tell him that she had loved him.

"It was a gift by a guy for my birthday" Caroline told him as she looked at the bracelet and smiled slightly thinking about Klaus. She looked back up at him as he stopped dancing for a moment as the song ended. "Come with me" he said softly as he held her hand and pulled her outside to the garden. There was a tree that had a swing tied to it, she sat down on the swing and pushed herself back and forth slightly.

"Tell me about the guy," the stranger said to her as he started to push her swing. Caroline smiled as she shook her head, she didn't know where to start about Klaus. "He was a monster, done a lot of terrible things to all of my friends but yet, I have found myself madly, truly and deeply in love with him." She started before she paused, the stranger tensing up a little when she said that she loved him.  "But he is gone, and I never got to chance to tell him that" she added as she stopped her swing and looked over at the guy.

"Well, gone doesn't always mean gone forever" the stranger said as he started to untie her mask. She let him take the mask off of her as she didn't really care about the whole having to wear a mask idea. "Well he is dead so I think it means forever" she said as she sighed and took the mask from her hands.

"Not unless a witch found a way to bring him and his brother back, love" The stranger said that made Caroline stop for a moment and wonder, what if he was still alive because a witch brought him back. "Well if that's the case then I will probably hit him for dying in the first place" she said seriously, even though she understood that he did it for Hope. "Beauty fell in love with the horrible beast, because she saw the good in him" The stranger said as he leaned down and kissed her softly, surprising her before she pulled away from the kiss. That's when she realized that he had took his mask off too and could actually see him better now that he wasn't off in the darkness.

"Klaus Mikealson, I thought you were dead," Caroline said as she kept her word and hit him before she pulled him back into a kiss, making him laugh at her. "How dare you do that" she mumbled as she refused to break the kiss. He was the first to pull away from the kiss, "did you mean what you said?" He asked her unsure if she actually meant it or not.

"Yes, Klaus Mikaelson, I am deeply truly and madly in love with you" Caroline said as she smiled up at him.  She thought he was dead and yet here he is in front of her, so she doesn't intend on wasting anymore time or keeping it to herself. "He was my first love, but you will always be my last even if it took this long" she said as she kissed him again trying to put everything that she had ever felt into the kiss. She wasn't going to lose him again.

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