The Bet (Steferine)

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It wasn't a big secret between the two houses, after all Stefan and Katherine were always fighting about something. So much that some people started betting on who would win, but of course Katherine won as she loves winning. So when Klaus made a bet with Katherine to get Stefan to go to The Yule Ball with her, she said it was no problem. However it was a problem, Stefan was friends with some girl named Caroline who secretly was in love with him. That was one of the things that Katherine needed to get rid of so she did get rid of her, using Klaus as a distraction as the moment Caroline saw him, she was interested in him and forgot all about Stefan. Over the next few weeks. Katherine started flirting with and teasing Stefan only what she did wasn't getting his attention like it would anyone else.

"What are you doing?" Stefan asked as he had been up late that night studying in the Gryffindor common room when Katherine snuck into there. She grinned at him and shrugged not answering him. That one thing he didn't like and that was her not giving him answers that and she has been driving him crazy with the flirting and teasing even if he acted like it didn't bother him. "What do you want?" he asked. He would be lying if he said that she wasn't beautiful but that girl is a problem.

"I wanted to see you, is that a bad thing?" Katherine replied as she walked closer to him, "after all it's just us here, everyone else is asleep she added as she sat down beside him on the couch. The Yule Ball was right around the corner and she knew that he didn't have a date to it. she was planning on asking him if he wanted to go with her. "Take me to The Yule Ball" she said not even asking, just saying which caught Stefan off guard.

"What? Stefan asked in surprise, not sure if he heard what she said correctly. "You want me to take you to the Ball?" he added as he looked at her, noticing how she smiled at him as she nodded. "Why me? He asked her another question but he wasn't going to tell her no after all he didn't have a date and he did like Katherine but so did his brother who had been flirting with her for years.

"Because I want you, I have always wanted you" Katherine said as she smiled at him, "not Elijah, not Damon, not that Lockwood lapdog of mine, just you" she added as she reached over and caressed his face softly before he decided to make a move of his own and kissed her softly while telling her yes. "What color should my dress be?" She asked him as she smiled and pulled away from the kiss, her hand still on the side of his face.

"Hmm, wear something that has the Gryfindor colors Stefan said as he grinned at her. That way everyone knows that you are mine" he added as he kissed her forehead and pulled into his side where she relaxed and hummed softy. He couldn't believe that Katherine wanted him to take her to the Yule Ball and not Damon who was in her house. He was lost in his thoughts before he snapped out of them by her voice.

"I will wear Gryffindor colors if you wear Slytherin's color so all the girls know that you are mine" Katherine said as she hummed softly Feeling so comfortable nuzzled into his side by the fire, that she was started to fall asleep He smiled as he noticed this and decided to take her up to his room and laying her on his bed before he made a spot on the floor to sleep on. So she would have her space while she slept Not knowing that she woke up for a moment. "You can sleep in your bed too, I won't bite, '' Katherine said as she realized what he was doing. Stefan hummed softly before he got in his bed and laid down beside her and covered up with his blanket.

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