10 - You're worse than the devil

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🎶Devil town - Cavetown 🎶

I watched Madeline leave, helpless. I took a big breath.

Calm down Kijah, it's just for 1 month.

And what did she mean by "upcoming events" ?

My gaze refocused on Lukas who was already looking at me. Did he know what it was about ? And why was he looking at me so insistently? Not a word came out of our mouths. This stony silence was interrupted by Aunt Carmen who came to clear the table. So I stopped our staring game before going to help her but she categorically refused.

"Thank you very much Kijani but you can't help me clean up the table. I might get in trouble if you're seen helping me. Please..."

Getting in trouble because I'm helping her clean up? What world do we live in? What was that again? One of their stupid rules?

So I left her alone and went straight to my room. Lukas had disappeared in the meantime.

After taking a good shower, I made myself comfortable in bed to read the mangas that Eva had given me. This girl is so nice. I was so immersed in my reading that I did nott notice the time passing. Someone came knocking at my door.

Who could it be?

"Yes?", I screamed from my bed.

My bed is just in front of the door so I could immediately see Aunt Carmen enter my room. I stood up immediately.

"Hi Auntie. Is there something wrong?"

"No, I'm just here to tell you that dinner is ready."

"You didn't have to come all the way here to tell me that. You can call me. Here, take my number."

I grabbed a sticky note and wrote my number on it.


She took it.

"Thank you."

"Why don't you use the bedrooms' phones? It's crazy enough that a house has phones in every room. So you might as well use them"

She smiled.

"Unfortunately, they are only used to call me. I can't use them."

"What? Why?"

She shrugged her shoulders.

"Nevermind, You have to go eat with Mrs. Bowen. »

"What ? Please tell me It's a joke. »

"I'm sorry but It's not. »

I let out a big sigh.

"Do I really have to?"

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