Chapter 9 thanksgiving dinner

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It was Thanksgiving morning, and Vanessa, Gramrock, Freddy, and Gregory went Thanksgiving shopping for food.

Freddy: "What's on the list, superstar?"

Gregory: "Okay, Freddy, we need:
1. Turkey with savory stuffing
2. Mashed potatoes with creamy gravy
3. Cranberry sauce for a burst of tanginess
4. Sweet potato casserole topped with marshmallows
5. Green bean almondine for a crunchy side
6. Pumpkin pie and pecan pie for desserts
7. Cornbread or dinner rolls
8. Roasted vegetables for a healthy option
9. Apple cider or spiced mulled wine
10. Festive decorations and a grateful atmosphere."

Gregory: "Okay, did we get everything?"

Vanessa: "Yup."

Freddy: "Yup."

Gregory: "Okay, who's even coming?"

Vanessa: "Me, of course. Freddy and your girlfriend's family."

Gregory: "Oh my gosh, how many times do I have to tell you guys that Cassie is not my girlfriend."

Freddy and Vanessa: "Right."

Gregory: "Let's just go."

As they laughed, they loaded the car, and as they took off for home, Freddy asked, "Can I cook?"

Vanessa laughed, "Hahaha, no, remember last year?"

Just in time, Cassie walked in with her mother and some family members.

Cassie: "You burnt the turkey dinner so bad that it smoked up the whole house. It took two fire extinguishers to handle the job, and we had to have Thanksgiving at a pizza buffet."

Vanessa fist-pumped, saying, "Exactly what she said."

Freddy: "Okay, fine. I guess I'll watch football."

Vanessa: "Exactly. Don't worry; I'll get you some cooking classes."

Cassie: "Oh, where is Gregory?"

Vanessa: "He's in the living room."

Freddy: "I'm going there right now."

They walked to the living room, sat on the couch, and Cassie back-hugged Gregory.

Cassie: "Happy Thanksgiving."

Gregory: "Oh my stars, don't scare me like that."

Cassie: "What are you watching?"

Gregory: "The Woodys vs. the Annoyings (you know what I mean; I am not wanting to get sued by the NFL)."

Cassie: "That will be you someday."

A couple of hours later, Vanessa announced, "Alright, dinner is ready; let's go eat."

Gregory declared, "The last one up is a rotten egg."

Cassie teased, "No fair, going to get you."

As they all raced upstairs and sat down, Freddy said, "I guess you both are rotten eggs."

Cassie retorted, "At least I didn't burn dinner to the point that we have to have a pizza buffet for Thanksgiving."

Vanessa added, "Ohhh, burn."

Gregory chuckled, "Oh, she roasted you like this turkey."

Freddy sighed, "Alright, we get it."

They laughed and had fun. Twenty minutes later, Gregory asked, "Who wants some pie?"

Cassie said, "Me."

Gregory: "What do you want?"

Cassie: "Pumpkin."

As he served it to her, some whipped cream got on his cheek.

Cassie: "Hey, there's some whipped cream on you."

Gregory: "There is?"

Cassie: "Stay still and close your eyes."

He did, and she kissed him on the cheek. As they enjoyed their Thanksgiving in harmony and happiness, Vanessa suggested, "Alright, who's ready for Black Friday shopping?"

Gregory groaned, "Oh no, not

Cassie added, "Black Friday."

To be continued...

Author's Note: I decided to release the Thanksgiving special early. Thank you for reading, and more chapters are coming soon.

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