Chapter 14 gregoys jacket

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As Cassie walked with Gregory, tightly holding onto his arm, she couldn't shake off the lingering anger from her encounter with Sam.

Gregory: What's wrong, Cass?
Cassie: That person mentioned my dad.
Gregory: How was your dad?
Cassie: I don't know; he died when I was 5.

Tears welled up in her eyes, and Gregory instinctively hugged her, offering comfort.

Cassie: Thanks.
Gregory: That's what friends are for, Cass.

Feeling the chill, Cassie shivered and crossed her arms. Without hesitation, Gregory removed his jacket and placed it on her.

Gregory: Better, Cass?
Cassie: Yes, of course.

Grateful, she smiled and twirled around in happiness.

Gregory: Lol, you're just like a little kid.
Cassie: Sorry.
Gregory: Don't be; it's cute.

As they reached her place, Cassie wanted to return the jacket.

Cassie: Thank you, Gregory. Here, let me give it to you.
Gregory: It's okay; give it to me tomorrow. Besides, my mom is making Zuppa Toscana; it's my favorite.

Cassie expressed her gratitude by kissing his cheek, leaving Gregory speechless. As she left, she couldn't resist running up to her room, savoring the scent of the jacket.

Cassie: I love you so much and your cute smell.

In her excitement, she accidentally tossed the jacket out of the window.

Cassie: Oh, no.

Chasing it outside, the jacket landed in the mud near train tracks. Ignoring the danger, Cassie pursued it, narrowly escaping a passing freight train.

Cassie: Shit.

After retrieving the jacket, she rushed home, washed, and dried it before sleeping with it. The next morning, she handed the clean jacket to Gregory.

Gregory: Hey, Cassie, oh, my jacket. Thank you.

Cassie: You're welcome. I washed it and cleaned it.
Gregory: You shouldn't have.
Cassie: I just wanted to return the favor.

They walked into school together, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Gregory x cassie In love with my one and only best friendWhere stories live. Discover now