Bonus chapter 4 Gregory's haircut

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( start the song when you see this 👍 )

As Cassie held Gregory's hand and walked with him, their friends approached. Cassie grabbed Gregory's arm, pulling him closer as their friends left for class, leaving only the two of them. Cassie let go of his arm, saying, "This is my Cassie Bebe; see you in one hour, okay?"

Gregory replied, "Of course." After Cassie left, Gregory overheard a conversation about him.

Dude 1: "Which girl is a hottie?"
Dude 2: "Smokin', but her date is a wimp."
Dude 3: "Yeah, he should know his place."
Dude 4: "Yeah."

Feeling sad, Gregory put on a fake smile. When Cassie noticed, she became concerned. Cassie walked in front of him, held his hand, and looked into his eyes.

Cassie: "Bebe, what's wrong? I've known you since I was 10. Tell me what happened."

Gregory: "I'm sorry, Cassie. I just feel unworthy of you."

Cassie: "Being my boyfriend is good enough, Greg."

Gregory: "I know, but..."

Cassie put her finger on his lips, saying, "Shhhh. You're perfect in so many ways."

After a quick kiss, she ran off. Gregory, still feeling unworthy, got an idea and walked away.

The next day, Cassie, worried about Gregory, noticed he didn't come to school or respond to her messages. When Gregory finally walked in, girls were talking about him, and Cassie was shocked.

Cassie: "Gregory, your hair! No, not your hair. You're hot now; all the girls will—"

A girl interrupted, "Omg, Gregory!"

Cassie: "Back off; he's mine. He's my property."

Another girl said, "He's so cute," making Cassie pout. She pulled him away.

Cassie: "Gregory, you got a haircut."

Gregory: "Neat, isn't it?"

Cassie: "Yeah, but your beauty belongs to me. All the girls will flock to you."


Gregory: Relax, I'm devoted to you

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Gregory: Relax, I'm devoted to you.

Cassie: Good.

During lunch, all the girls were looking at him, and the same happened in all of their classes. They were basically stalked until after class.

Cassie: Let's go, Gregory.

Gregory: Uhh, Cassie, run!

Cassie: What do you m... RUN!!! 👍

As they ran, they avoided obstacles, including the track and field girl team dashing towards him. Cassie threw her Pom Pom at them before booking it out of the school, but they still had girls chasing them. So, they went to the local fast-food joint.

Gregory: Ahhh, Stella, hide us.

Stella: Go to the employee area; I just saw the tsunami of girls. Hurry before it's too late.

As they both ran to the employees' area, girls questioned Stella.

Girls: Is Gregory here?

Stella: No, nothing but grease and food.

Girls: I saw him using the employees' area.

Stella: No, no, you're wrong. I walked inside the employees' area.

Stella: They found out; it's gonna blow. Run!

As they went out of the back, they took off, still being followed. Cassie put Gregory's head underneath her shirt.

Girls: Hey, where did he go? Oh well, we'll get him tomorrow.

Gregory: Okay, you can get out now.

He emerged from her shirt.

Gregory: My eyes.

Cassie: What, you're my boyfriend.

Gregory: I know, I'm teasing.

Cassie: Let's go before they notice.

Gregory: Okay, let's go; come on.

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