Lost and Found: Chapter 14

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A/N: Mmm! Blue crystals that make you feel funny! No, it's not blue meth, it's 059. I knew you were thinking of Walter white...

Sorry in advance for when Tessa and the gang meet up, the introductions and stuff are choppy- i did it late at night

Shoutout to the band sabaton for keeping me awake at night their songs are absolute fire 🔥


===Somewhere on Copper 9===

A mysterious spacecraft, from JCJenson, landed with a quiet thud. A worker drone nearby searches for his glasses.

The door to the spacecraft hisses open, and a female astronaut and a DD walks out.

The astronaut has a name tag, Tessa, pinned on her suit. The shiny metal of the name tag reflected whatever light could reach it.

Tessa, apparently, was a JCJenson technician. She notices the worker drone, who has found their glasses.

"Ah! That's where I left my excuse to be outside!" He exclaimed, putting his glasses on after polishing the lenses. Tessa uses her broadsword and decapitates the unsuspecting worker.

"Righty-oh. Let's get going, J, we have work to do." Tessa clicks a button on her keys, and the spaceship makes an oddly similar sound to that of a car.

"Where is that fermented idiot Uzi? I would die (not really) to rip out Uzi's cords one by one, and barbeque her own head on a rotating spit," J says as she drains the worker's body fluids. (Nonono pls dont say anything about my mental health. It is in shambles before this already)

"That's why we're here, J. Plus the foundation has accessed our database and is about to leak out information about how broken our company is, so we got blackmailed. The only way to back out of this is to 'recontain' the anomalous objects remaining on this planet that have just been rediscovered," Tessa explained.

J groans and then replies, "Oh, great." There was a hint of sarcasm in J's voice. "I was expecting better orders from corporate themselves, but I guess I'll have to do this slightly tedious task."

After cloning J, her attitude towards things changed a bit, with a bit of hesitance towards company orders that would be really annoying to carry out.

Tessa started walking towards their supposed meeting spot with one of the solvers, who apparently was russian. Kind of funny, now that she thought about it.

J followed behind Tessa, hoping for Tessa to restate the mission plan. Not J's fault that J didn't listen to the mission briefing. They had even MORE BRANDED PENS that J had ever seen in her whole life! The boss had given her a gold and platinum branded pen, which was really expensive and had an excellent click to it.

She had spent the whole meeting clicking away at it, rather than listening to corporate. The new pen was a lot better than what she had received prior to being rebuilt. Tessa had even ordered a special branded case for the pen, only adding to J's endless enthusiasm and positivity towards the pens. PENS! PENS! PENS!

That's really all she cared about now. While being rebuilt, J's pen-loving part of her memory drive was accidentally amplified by 200%, leading into a never-ending obsession with branded pens.

"So, Tessa, what were the mission plans again? I was - distracted, to say the least," J asked Tessa, who let out a muffled groan.

"I knew I should have given it to you after the briefing," Tessa then lit up and added, "Oh well, I guess I could repeat it."

"So basically, we're supposed to go down to this 'abandoned' containment facility, dubbed Site-12B, or Prometheus Labs, the very place where the Zeta warhead supposedly killed all the anomalies, and then try to capture or kill the remaining. Also, the solvers were actually escaped D-Class personnel who had been tinkered with by - " Tessa racked her brain for the right anomaly, "- 079 and some random computer virus the researchers had found and tested on them. Cyn also had something to do with it because Cyn had created that virus chip."

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