Dream Catcher

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One must exercise great caution to secure safe, sound and sweet sleep. especially for those who wish to dream at all, let alone have good dreams.

When going to bed at night, your windows must be shut tight, curtains drawn and everything locked up. A night light in the hall or corner of the room and quick access to a light source near you is optimal but do not sleep with lights on and be sure all screens and devices are off at least and hour before sleep.

Precautions must be precise, lest you fall prey to the thief of the night.

With piercing white eyes that glow in the light of the moon, thin limbs and a torso that can slip through cracks with ease, drawn to bright lights like a moth to a flame and a taste for the imagination of the human mind's conjuring.

The thief creeps about the shadows, wisping away dreams like threads of silk from a caterpillars cocoon, feet light on the ground like silent flakes of fresh snow.

the dream catcher leaves its victims restless, too tired and unmotivated for the day, creativity seemingly drained along with their energy regardless of how many hours of unconsciousness one manages to get at night.

once youre a victim, the dream catcher will return each second night or another dream. you only have one night between its visits to prepare, setting up charms and wards to keep it away like you would ward off a nightmare or a fox from a chicken coop.

many things can be done to keep it away, hanging specific herbs and plants near entrances like garlic or holy, hanging woven sigils or engraving markings in willow wood, all are acceptable ways, similar to tactics used to keep away the fae's visits.

this has led to people believing the dream catcher is fae folk. though no one is exactly sure, nor has anyone seen its form clear in the light.

anything more known about the dream catcher is simply speculation. rumors spread by the paranoid people constantly on edge from losing sleep over their worries.

the dream catcher has only ever been known to steal dreams and be active in the night.

i would still urge one to be wary however...there are now rumors of the dream catcher taking hold of victims in the waking hours, stealing our day dreams.

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