A Pin

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"Hey-that pin...Im sorry for your loss" the girl said softly, tilting her head forward and down just a tad.

"hm? wha-oh...that." the boy looked at the pin on his bag. the pin children were given when a loss, a death in the family, happens at an unexpected time.

"its not mine-er-well it is but it hasnt happened yet. it will...but not yet." the boy stared at the black, grey and red flower pin on his bag, his face looking like he'd just given up on trying to make a clock stop.

"it hasnt...? then why-" the girl, puzzled as anyone would be, was cut off before she could finish her question.

"i have to go, but it was nice talking to you again." the boy said, turning and leaving the girl on her own.

again? but they'd just met. and that pin, how did she know about it?

she glanced down at her own bag, a deep frown setting on her face when she spotted it.

she knew because the pin was hers.

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