If The World Ended

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If the world ended right now. No more planets, no life, no existence, everything crumbled to drust. That would be okay.

there'd be no need to worry about "do i fit into this group?" or "what would someone think?". no need to worry about global warming, starvation, politics, nothing.

no fussing over looks, dysphoria, money, jobs, relationships...

things would be calm, quiet, probably even start all over again.

If the world ended that would be fine. this story could close its last page, the end, and id be alright with it. because a new book could open, a better one even.

people see the world ending as a bad, scary thing. while yes, death and destruction can be scary, the end of the world as we know it could happen so quickly there wouldnt be time to be scared.

if things started crumbling and burning down around me, sure maybe id try and escape in the moment, look for a way to live, but things would still be over and id rather be among those who went out with the the old, than being one of the only survivors left.

if i survived the end of the world, its sounds kind of lonely. I'd miss things from the old, not like things from the new, id be a piece of the old still remaining and i just wouldnt fit there.

if the world ended. right now, without me getting to do the things i was looking forward to, id just be fine with it.

things have to end at some point, whether i get to see the new begining or not.

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