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The Finaliser  was alive and bustling with workers and activity as it drifted through the galaxy on its course, patrolling the stars and countless systems with that familiar shadow of authority. Everyone was perfectly aware, and terrified, of it...

At its core it ran on efficiency and order, as the institution's name suggested, and a sort of formal rigidness that was existent in every member; every officer and trooper was perfectly conditioned to their position, respectful, and to some extent fearful of their superiors. But nonetheless, they were dedicated to their cause and ready to fight for it. 

But at the centre of it all, at its heart, was the most dedicated and willing. Brutal, yes, but this was a small price to pay. Besides, the general was brilliant and no one doubted that his methods were inevitably for their benefits. 

Like anyone, he had his critics, his failures; perhaps not everyone agreed that he had earned his position. But, at least for now, it was non negotiable. 

Still, with the rate everything was growing, with the new system and planet acquisitions, treaties and agreements being made, he had to admit that perhaps he could do with at least a little help to keep track of everything: box ticking, signing off on insignificant things, taking notes...that would be greatly appreciated...

Word travelled fast and it wasn't long before it hit the higher ranks, including, much to his dismay, though it was inevitable, the attention of a certain rival of his who marched toward him on the bridge, boots heaving against the gleaming floor and leaving a trail of discomfort behind him. 

"Hux!" he called, voice reverberating off the windows that the man in question stood before, turning to him with tongue in cheek. He shut off his datapad and sent the officer he was speaking to away with a dismissive glance. 

"Kylo Ren," He looked to him with an unimpressed glare and pure dislike raging in his blood. Just by being in his mere presence, just by speaking, Ren tipped his nerves... "Can I help you...I assume this is no friendly visit?"

This question was ignored. "You want an assistant now? You're advertising." 

"I'd hardly call it 'advertising'. The position is newly available, I want someone to fill it." 

"Newly existent you mean." Ren scoffed, walking over to the window, almost disinterested in the disagreement he had begun and simply wanting someone to rile up. "You don't need an assistant." 

"Is that a fact..." Hux muttered, moving away to oversee some operations, reading the stats on the projections in front of him and trying very hard to concentrate but for the continuation of Ren's ramblings. 

"If you need one then why can't I have one, huh?" 

"Since when do you need one, you hardly do anything..." he said, checking himself when Ren's head snapped to him at this clapback. "Listen, when you have hundreds of meetings to attend and countless reports to chase up and documents that need proof reading, not to mention the strategising, then you can tell me its not fair...and act like a petulant child over it." 

He didn't seem to hear that part, thankfully. "How typical that you're not up to the job. I know half a dozen people who would be better suited to your position." 

"None would be nearly as tolerant of you." He shut off the screens in front of him and turned to his colleague. "I have things to be getting on with and interviews to conduct so, if you don't mind."

He started to walk away, down the bridge, yet Ren continued. "It's a terrible idea and a complete waste of resources-"

The general turned back around one last time. "Not your call. The Supreme Leader has already given his approval. So, criticise all you like and take it up with him. As always," He finally got to walk away. "Thank you for your ever welcome input." 

In Time Gone By...Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz