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Stepping into the office again was almost therapeutic, a wave of excitement rushing over Bailee as she sat at her desk for the first time in what felt like months. It was good to be back. 

She spent the time waiting for the general to arrive going through messages and meeting requests, updating the calendar accordingly, a buzziness to everything she did. There was lots to catch up on, but that was better than the dull nothingness of the last week. 

"Latt," Hux announced as he entered with all sorts of paper files and notes in his hands, evidently just as energised about her return, if not more. His workload could now go back to normal. "Good morning." 

"Good morning, sir." she replied with a smile, standing to take the papers off of him so he could take off his coat. 

"Apologies I'm late on your first day back. Maintenance meetings are always such a bore." he said as he sat down, taking a moment to gather his thoughts about what needed to get done. 

"That's why I schedule them for the morning: get them out of the way." 

"Indeed. I have very much missed your sense in that regard... How are you?" he asked after a pause, looking up at her behind his glasses. 

"Glad to be back." She flipped through some of the papers he had given her as she spoke. "It's been tough...boring." 

"And after last night? With everything you...told me and such." 

She nodded briefly. "Fine, thank you. Just fine, sir. If not a little relieved...to have told someone." 

"I can imagine. The past is a difficult thing but it's good to have someone to tell; not all of us are so lucky!" he said with a light enough tone. But there was something sad about it. She looked at him for a moment, searching, but eventually just smiled. 

"Yes...I'll just get this stuff processed." 

When she sat back at her desk, a working silence now between them, she found herself looking over at him rather a lot. That last comment had struck something within her, something deeply empathetic that was hard to shake. Of course she assumed, knew even, that he had seen - done - some stuff in his time. But this...seemed different. Just like her story, this was personal. 

"Latt..." he said after some time, keeping his focus on what he was doing. "Regarding your...history, would you mind if I asked you some things that might help us?" 

She looked over. "No...no not at all. Although, a lot of it will be outdated." 

"Hmm...but still useful, I'm sure." 

"Maybe...I gave a lot of it anonymously when everything first happened... I know you found their base, but it was abandoned. They switch it up to cover their tracks." 

"Yes, I vaguely remember that. It still led to a few captures though... But this is good." He checked his watch. "We'll sit down at some point to discuss but currently...I ought to start redrafting this recruitment drive..." 

She nodded, leaning on her hand and looking over at him with those same thoughts running through. Everyone had a past, and it wasn't as if she was entitled to know anything about his, but nevertheless, it was curious...


"This coffee is terrible." 

Bailee sipped from her mug later that day, pulling a face into it. Grace sat opposite her at her desk, stabbing at her lunch in some throwaway container and shaking her head. 

"I made you that," her friend replied with her mouth full, pointing her fork accusingly. "Out of the kindness of my heart." 

"I know, I know. Thank you," she drew out the word, earning a sarcastic smile of appreciation. "But nobody can make a nice coffee from that canteen." 

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