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He stayed true to his word that evening and, after giving her some to herself and with Grace, knocked on her door softly, hoping that she wasn't sleeping and that he wasn't disturbing her. 

She opened it, rubbing her eyes that were sore and red, hardly presentable, in her mind, to be seen by her general and so pulled the sleeves of her jumper down awkwardly, brushing the hair escaping her ponytail aside. She gave him a nervous half-smile. "Sir..." 

"Latt...I wanted to check on you, make sure you're feeling alright." 

"Yeah...uh...do you want to come in or...you don't have to... I mean, I think I'm alright now." 

"Well, I cleared my schedule for the evening so...I have time." he replied and she nodded. "If you'd like me to...want me...to." 

"Yeah, of course. I hope it's not too much of a mess..." She went back inside and he followed, taking  a look around. 

He hadn't really thought about it the last time he had been there but he couldn't really believe how small the room was, at least in comparison to his own quarters. But then, that was to be expected given her rank, and it was already an upgrade from what they had had before. Still, they had a fair bit of space between them: one desk pushed against the wall, two comfortable enough beds, a window, and even a small armchair in front of that which he took when she gestured to it. As they spoke, she made the bed that had been left after her nap. 

"Grace had some things left to do," Bailee explained. "Back in operations." 

He nodded. "I just wanted to ask how you were feeling was all." he said, leaning forward and fiddling with his hands. "Although, I didn't want to intrude." 

"No, it's okay. It's nice of you to even come by, you really didn't have to... I'm alright, really. I shouldn't have gotten so upset earlier. It was slightly ridiculous." 

"It was an understandable reaction, Latt." he asserted. "You needn't worry about it. I'm just sorry that it happened." 

"It's really not your fault, there's nothing that you could've done. It was merely a coincidence that he of all people...and that we happened to meet him." 

"Hmmm..." he hummed in agreement as she sat on the bed facing him, playing with her shirt. 

"It just caught me off guard, and by what he said, it seems I did too. He really thought I was dead all this time... Four years...four years he thought." 

"Good stars... you said that they attacked you, had an X-wing." 

"Yeah..." she sighed. "The whole area which, of course, he coordinated, I know he did." She looked down at the covers, picking at a thread. "He could have easily shot me properly or stabbed me or something but he had to go for a big show...always was a cocky bastard." 

"I'm surprised you dated him." 

"In hindsight, so am I...he was my first, and he hasn't changed since I knew him, still as arrogant and sarky as ever, not much respect for authority, although I think you shook him a little bit... Looking back, he wasn't a particularly nice guy, Grace has made that very clear." she laughed gently and he smiled a little. "But I thought I was in love, how was I to know any better? I'd never known anything else..." 

"No...I understand. But, believe me, I won't go easy on him." 

"He knows things." She leaned forward a bit. "He was always able to muscle into meetings he wasn't supposed to be in and he's probably earned a promotion or two since I knew him. Especially in completing such a heroic mission of getting rid of me."

"I know and we'll make good use of him. But, on a more personal note, he'll get what's coming to him. I'll make sure of that, for your sake." he muttered, resting his head on his hand that leaned on the armrest in a deep thought. She could see it in his eyes and the shadow that seemed to pass over his face. 

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