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Yet again he was distant. 

But that was to be expected really. Neither the general, nor Bailee, had had thirty seconds to stop and relax after their adventures, to recover. Everything was piling back up, very suddenly. Everyone had dumped their ongoing projects and reports on him to be checked and processed and, of course, it was some weeks worth. 

Still, it felt a little off. Probably because of the arrival of Rose's family. Her parents hadn't stayed long, but all of their meetings with Hux had been incredibly secretive and Bailee hadn't been allowed to be involved. Since, the general seemed far more under pressure...a different sort of pressure. 

Though, at least, after a meeting he did give her a small smile, checking over their notes together at the table. "...Can we action that as soon as possible?" 

"Absolutely, sir." 

"Those notes you took the other day were brilliant by the way. Stars know I need good notes at the moment." he muttered as they left, continuing their conversation as they walked the corridors. These moments were still nice, they felt the most natural. Well, unless they were swooped on by any unwelcome guests, of course. 

"Thank you...How's your arm?" 

"About as well as you might expect." he said, shifting the sleeve of his coat over a black cast on his arm. "But better, of course, since you convinced me to go to the med bay." 

"Eventually..." she murmured. "I'm glad you're at least on the mend." 

"As am I. Your diligent care during our time on Arkanis is greatly appreciated."

Her stomach turned at those memories. "Thank you..." 

"Speaking of," They turned a corner, a pair of troopers nodding as they passed with a 'general, sir'. "Once again you have earned yourself a promotion, I think." 

"What?" She looked to him, confused almost. 

"You can't expect me to ignore the fact that you probably saved me from a lifetime of pain in this arm given how well you attended to it, as well as saved me from freezing to death at night." They stopped. "I have much to thank you for on our excursion on that disgusting planet." A small sort of smile tugged at his lips. "If not for anything but keeping me sane and...company." 

"T...thank you, sir. As did you." 

"Besides," He looked down on her with a gentleness in his eyes. "It's about time you were recognised again for your ever growing contributions." 

"I'll end up outranking you soon. Make up a special one just for me." 

"I would certainly try..." He walked on, leaving her to smile at the warm fuzziness in her stomach. She caught up. "Anyway, captain, I shall see you at the presentation of your rank at the officer's ball in a couple of weeks." 

"Yes, of course..." she said as he walked ahead, turning to look at her. 

"And bring Sergeant Kewlieu, of course." 


This wasn't really her scene. 

Well, she didn't imagine many people were used to events and parties like this, but it was absolutely nerve-wracking.

Not just because she wasn't used to it, but the noise and the socialising and the etiquette. At the very least, she had her friend and wasn't entirely alone. But Grace wasn't much more aware than she was. It was a learning curve for both. Surely, there would be some people there that they both knew, could pretend to talk to with interest?

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