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"At ease, recruits." 

Bailee followed her prospective colleagues in doing so, holding her hands behind her back and finding a spot in the hangar to focus her attention on with a nervous swallow. 

How different the First Order was to...everything that had come before. Of course it would be in so many ways, but it was still strange to see. For one, they were entirely more advanced: their weaponry, ships, technology, even their many protocols were so much more so. It was quite a lot nicer and, well, felt like home already. But then, given the circumstances, that was a fairly easy feat to achieve. 

The Finaliser's hangar seemed to glimmer with opportunity, the ship itself a cornucopia of hope and possibility. The low, stuttering screech of  TIE fighters coming into land was comforting rather than terrifying, the cold rigidness of it all so much more formal, ordered. And perhaps that sense of order had been what was missing...

"Listen up now, you rookies." Major Crabbot called through several lines of trainees, slowly pacing them with scrutinous eyes. "Your formal training is over now. You are officially one of us." Bailee's heart skipped a little. "And we expect you to act like it!" 

A couple of the recruits shifted slightly, nervous, a ripple through the many rigid lines. It ceased as soon as the major looked their way. 

Her footsteps echoed against the cool floor. "You lot represent determination, respect, and, above all, order. Every single one of you is on probation for three months, after which time you will be reviewed..." 

The major's voice seemed to float away as Bailee continued to take in her surroundings, watching engineers bustling about and droids zipping between their legs. The lights above and around her were like Gods, commanding and watchful: every little corner was illuminated with a harsh glare. 

On one of the walkways a door swished open, letting in two officers who were talking rather intently, one taking notes on a datapad while the other gave commands. They were too far away to possibly hear but their relationship was clear: a slightly frantic officer taking orders from his commander. 

In her little daydream she became a little transfixed on deducing their ranks. The first was a captain or lieutenant: light grey uniform and a black band giving more specifics. The other seemed familiar, his uniform darker and stripes rather than words denoting his status. The sleeves of the coat he wore bore it proudly, reaching up to smooth back deep, copper hair that hardly needed the intervention. He turned to the officer for a more in depth discussion. 

It wasn't a very common rank or she would have recognised it instantly...so, dark grey uniform, silver and black stripes...

"That's the general." a voice whispered to her right, leaning in slightly and following her gaze. "General Hux, you know...everyone knows him." 

Bailee looked to the girl to her side for a second then back. "Oh...of course." 

The general turned away from his companion, holding onto the handrail as they continued to watch him, looking out at the recruits. His eyes were narrow, trying to pick out any little mistake while continuing his conversation. Better stop talking then...

"I bet he's here to inspect us. Apparently, he's very particular." the girl continued in her whisper, not taking her eyes off the front. "Takes after the old General Hux...commandant actually." 

Bailee's eyes flickered over to her as a sort of warning to be quiet as the general made his way down the stairs, but she showed no signs of slowing. 

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