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Her transfer out of the office was taking a long time, too long. It killed her inside to sit in that room with him unable to say anything she wished about his match. Not that he hadn't heard it all by now...

She couldn't congratulate him, hardly even speak to him unless it was necessary because what was there to say? Nothing she said or did now would matter. This whole operation had been orchestrated by the Supreme Leader and now carried out perfectly. It made sense: the alliances were important. So, how she felt, or what she said, didn't matter whatsoever. 

It was soul crushing. 

"I heard of our wonderful commander's engagement." Ren let himself in and slumped down on the sofa at the coffee table as Bailee sorted through and ordered some files prior to her departure in the next few weeks. The general had left some time before, thank stars...

"Yes..." she muttered, trying to find distraction in her work. "At the Officer ball." 

"You were there?" 

She nodded.

"Well," he continued. "I suppose that's it then." 

"It is. You're stuck with her forever now."

He snorted a little. "You more than me." 

"I wouldn't say that's true." she said, getting up to go to the filing cabinet and turning away. 

He sat up cautiously. "You haven't quit, have you?" 

"Can you blame me?" she half laughed. "Not after the stunt she pulled at the ball...but there's no use going into that. The general defended her and I quit...because I'm sick of being bullied by her." 

"I imagine that went down well with him." 

She shrugged, though the pain ran deep. "We argued, I told him the facts, the truth, and he refused to listen. So I resigned. He'll certainly have a fun job filling my position with her breathing down his neck." 


She shook her head. "I'm not saying it was easy, not after everything we've been through together, particularly Arkanis..." 

"Oh...?" he asked with a nonchalant edge though his ears were burning. "What happened there?" 


"Oh, please," he said, dropping that initial façade. "Something happened there." He held up a crystal from the coffee table up to the light as he spoke. "And you're not telling me." 

"And...?" She sat back at her desk to make some notes. "Why should I? It's nothing special..." 

"I'm going to be honest, lieutenant-"

"Not a lieutenant anymore." 

"Captain, whatever-" 

She shook her head gently at this, eyes on her notes. 

"Sergeant? How'd you manage to go down two ranks?" 

"Told him to shove his rank if he was going to hold his involvement in my career above me." 

"An interesting move, but whatever, sergeant." He snapped the crystal into his palm, mischief swirling around him. "I'm going to be honest: I know you're upset for him and I think you're in love with him." 

"Excuse you..." she muttered, stopping mid note. 

"He may be stupid, but I'm not-"

"Very nice."

"- Arkanis changed you, I see it lurking there, if, of course, you weren't already pining for him... So, what happened?" He pointed the crystal at her. "We're best friends, of course."

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