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They didn't say anything about it. Not when they curled up together for the night watch, or when they packed up the next day, or as they set off for the last couple of days journey. It was as depressing as the rest of the journey had been and, after those days had finally passed, the rooves of buildings and specs levitating over landing pads couldn't come fast enough. 

Bailee smiled widely at the sight, looking to the general in pure relief. He returned it softly, following along behind her when she made for the city in the distance with such a hope in her heart. Finally, they had made it, finally they could leave this damn planet and be warm and dry for once...

"Remember Latt," He reached for her arm, turning her to him gently. "Kai'arah may be safer  for us, but it's still contested and dangerous. Just...stay close and low...please." 

She nodded. "Yes, sir. You especially." 

"Yes...of course. Come on." 

The rainforest had taken over this city in a lot of ways, climbing up the concrete walls and invading wherever it could, even though the trees had been cleared out. It was strange to no longer be under the canopy, after all, the rain was heavier here. It was drab and dull, hardly any other colour than grey and muted green. It wasn't exactly much but if it oculd keep them dry and warm, there was nothing to complain about. 

"There's a bar on the other side of town that should be safe. Hopefully there'll be someone there who can help us." 

"Here's hoping...Keep your hood up, try not to draw attention." 

"Yes, ma'am..." 

He kept his eyes down on the ground as they went, occasionally glancing up at where they were going and directing Bailee. It felt like every single person they passed was staring at them, trying to catch them out. Even though they were safer here, all it would take was the wrong person to recognise them and they'd be dead. Him especially. 

So they were careful, probably looking a little suspicious but, really, they were the least of everyone's problems. 

"Here, Latt." He stopped her outside a building, the door to which was slightly hidden amongst the vines that crept across the whole face of it. 


He nodded but kept his hood up as they entered. 

And what a welcome entrance it was into warmth and dry, their skin tingling at the sudden change, the blast of heat. Bailee let out an audible sigh of relief, smiling to herself. Thank stars: civilisation. 

The place was still a little dingy despite the buzz of chatter and clinking of glasses, their eyes having to adjust to the light for a moment given there were no windows. 

"So, now what?" she asked quietly, pulling her hood down and shaking her poncho out. 

"Have to look for someone we recognise...an officer or something. Just make sure you stay cautious." 


He followed her gaze to a group sitting at a table in the centre of the room, off duty with their helmets beside them. 

"I'll talk to them." she said. "You stay." 

She walked over, recognised by one and then another, especially when they looked over to her companion lurking by the door. They got into a discussion about something or another and she nodded along to their responses, eventually returning to him. 

"Their squad leader is here somewhere. He can help us more than they can. He can send a report back to the ship and get us to a shuttle." 

"Alright..." He nodded to one of the troopers who they then followed through crowds of other officers and troopers to a booth in the corner where the man himself sat alone, sipping a drink and typing away on a datapad. 

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