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The sun had long since set but still Bailee trudged through the forest alongside the general with a torch, looking over her shoulder constantly at every rustle or gust of wind. Her feet were tired and she could tell that even the ever-moving-forward general felt the same. Plus, something wasn't right with him since the crash...

"We should stop." she sighed, taking another look around at the dark leaves with the torch. "It's stupid to keep going." 

He nodded, pushing back his waterlogged hair. "Yes...this ought to be just wonderful." he muttered as Bailee shuffled down a small bank to their left where an overhang of stone jutted out. "Yet more wet and mush." 

She sighed in agreement, slipping the pack off of her shoulders and rifling through it for some rations and a box of matches, checking they weren't damp. "You can start a fire, I'll sort this out."

"Uh..." He stalled a little, shifting awkwardly and holding his damaged arm under his poncho. "I don't know how." 

She looked up at him with a frown. "Of course you do. It's in basic." 

He shrugged, still stammering. 

"I knew something was up." She came toward him, holding her hand out. "Show me."

"There's nothing wrong, Latt." 

"Okay, so make a fire then." She held the matches out expectantly, giving him a knowing look when he looked away with a sigh.

"It's nothing." 

"I'll be the judge of that...just...sit down. I'll sort this out then I want to see it."

Reluctantly, he did as she said, taking shelter under the rock while she tried to build a fire, making a frame to keep the rain off while the flames caught, licking and curling around the emergency fire starters. The orange glow illuminated her face as she tried to make a cover of leaves to keep the now-misty rain off. 

"You're good at that."

"Lots of practice over...too many years. Hopefully we can keep it going." 

She fanned the flames for a little while, the soft glow growing brighter allowing her to see his face in the darkness. It felt like ages since she'd seen it in the light.

While he kept watch, the blaster in his good hand, Bailee hooked a pan over the flame to gradually heat some of their rations, her legs pulled up to her chest as she did so, shivering in the damp air. They were quiet for some time as the wind whistled and sent the flames dancing, both hyper aware of every rustle and crunch of leaves.

Eventually, as the rations bubbled in the pan, she spoke. "Why didn't you tell me you were hurt?" 

He looked over at her hunched over the fire. "I didn't want to bother you. We've much more pressing matters at hand." 

"If we don't see to it it'll only be more damaged when we get back to the ship." 

"If we get back." he muttered, rubbing his eyes in frustration. 

"Don't be so cynical. Of course we will." she said, handing him something to eat. He winced, taking a few seconds, as he tried to hold the small tin with his injured hand. "Is it really bad? Your arm?" 

"Definitely could be better." 

She sighed sympathetically. "Eat up and I'll take a look at it." 

"Taking command, huh?" 

"Someone has to if you're going to keep secrets." 

She shuffled back to his side with her own small portion of rations, looking into the fire as she ate. They sat pretty much in silence, miserable from the damp. Despite their clothes being waterproof, the wet was still getting in somehow and it was just...horrible. 

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