Chapter 6 - Stay?

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Leah quickly shows you around her house, letting you know where the bathroom is before throwing you some comfy clothes to put on as she goes back down and starts dinner for the two of you.

You sit at the breakfast bar catching up on anything you've missed throughout the day on social media whilst Leah is cooking, Jonas texts you to let you know that your signing will be announced the next day at 11am.
A few minutes later Leah places a plate of chicken and chorizo pasta in front of you and takes a seat opposite you to eat hers too. You smile and thank her before tucking in.

Half an hour later, after washing the dishes, you both settle down on the sofa for a film. You both awkwardly sit down at either end of the sofa not wanting to sit too close and begin to watch Chalet Girl, your choice of course.

Halfway through the film you bring you knees up to your chest and wrap your arms around them as you feel the chill of the night, Leah looks over and notices this. "You cold?" she asks, you tilt your head to one side whilst saying "a little bit".

She holds a finger up motioning for you to wait before running up stairs. A few seconds later she comes down with a big fluffy blanket, she sits down and lays her legs out.
"Come here and we can share the blanket"' she motions for you to lay in her legs. You shuffle over and place yourself between her legs and get comfy with your head on her stomach before she lays the blanket down over the both of you.
You pull the blanket up to your chin and lay your hand on Leah's stomach as her hand finds it's way to your hair, she begins to run her hand through your hair as you feel your eyes get heavy again after a long day.
Before you know it you fall asleep.

An hour later Leah begins to lightly trace her hand down your cheek and across your jaw to wake you up, your eyes slowly flutter open and you roll onto your back looking up to see Leah above you.

You smile cheekily at her and say "wow have I woke up in heaven?". Leah laughs and gently hits your shoulder whilst saying "shut up you idiot. It's late now and you've had a long day, do you want to stay?". You see a light blush spread to her cheeks. You smile and intertwine your hand with hers whilst saying "i'd love to", you bring her hand up to your lips and gently kiss the back of her hand to reassure her.

You turn the tv off and fold the blanket as Leah locks the door and gets you both a bottle of water from the fridge to take upstairs. She passes you a spare toothbrush for you to use and you quickly brush your teeth, wash your face and put your hair up in the bathroom before returning to Leah's room.

You walk in and see her sat up against the headboard scrolling through her phone, you smile before walking round the bed and getting in the other side.
You lay down on your side facing Leah and pull the duvet up over your shoulders. Leah places her phone down and does the same, laying down to face you whilst pulling the duvet up over her shoulders leaving only centimetres between the both of you.

You lay in silence for a few minutes just looking into each others eyes in the dimly lit room, the small amount of light from the street light outside the window allowing you to make out the features of Leah's face.

You hand moves up to Leah's face as you begin to trace a finger along Leah's cheek bone and down to her jaw, Leah's hand settles on your waist just under your tshirt and begins to draw patterns along your skin. Neither of you breaking eye contact.

A few seconds later you lay your hand on her cheek and rub your thumb across her lips, Leahs eyes drop to your lips and back to your eyes and nods before you edge forwards slowly brushing your lips over hers.
Leah's grip on your waist tightens as she pulls you even closer than before as your lips finally connect.

It's a long, slow passionate kiss, revealing all the feelings you've both kept a secret recently.

It feels like the kiss has lasted a lifetime, neither of you wanting to break apart.

Leah slowly breaks away first, allowing both of you to catch a breath. It's dark, but you can see her smile and she most definitely will be able to see yours.
Leah brings her hand up to your cheek, her thumb rubbing gently across.

You break the silence, "wow" you whisper "that was...". You trail off trying to think of the best word to describe how you are feeling right now.
Leah lightly chuckles before finishing your sentence "..the best kiss i've had".

You smile and peck her lips once more before you both relax into each others arms to fall asleep.


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