Chapter 23 - Second Chances?

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Before you know it the door bell rings, you straighten your hair down in the mirror before making your way over to the door. You take a deep breath and slowly open up the door.

Leah is stood there in a black pair of nike shorts with a white jumper, looking effortlessly beautiful as usual.
You smile and motion for her to walk in.

Leah takes her shoes off in the hall and follows you down to the front room, she sits down on the sofa as you awkwardly stand there and ask "can i get you a drink?".
"Just a water please" she smiles.

You stand at the kitchen sink pouring a glass of water whilst looking out the window, "come on pull yourself together, be a bad bitch and don't take no shit" you mutter to yourself.

"You know you talk to yourself a lot, more often than you realise i think" a voice from behind you speaks, you jump not expecting it and drop the glass into the sink.

You sigh and hang your head down, Leah comes up behind you. "I'm sorry let me do it" she says whilst laying a gentle hand on your shoulder, as she does this goosebumps run down your arm.

Leah guides you over to the breakfast bar and sits you down before getting a glass of water for the two of you and sitting down next to you, you spin your chair around to face her and she does the same.

Leah takes a sip of water and looks you in the eyes before beginning "Just let me speak first, no interruptions so i can get everything out. Is that ok?". You nod and motion for her to begin.

"I was walking through the park to get you your favourite breakfast from that small place in the far corner, you know the big brown shack with all the colours down one side?"
You nod your head.
"As i was walking through i saw Holly's friend Shannon walking through the park too, we've met each other a couple of times at parties. I stopped just to say hello and happy new year then she burst into tears on me, we sat down on a bench so she could tell me what's happened. She told me that she'd found her boyfriend in bed with another woman that morning after she'd spent new year's eve working at the hospital, she said that she had just left the house straight away and had been walking around the park for almost two hours not knowing what to do. The pictures you saw was just me comforting her. I called Holly and she came to pick her up not long after".

Leah sighs as she finishes and looks at you, "you two looked pretty cosy for someone you had 'just met a couple of times at parties'" you sigh back. "Why on earth are you kissing the top of her head in one of the photos? There's comforting someone and then there's that, i don't even know what to bloody call it" you say whilst throwing your hands in the air.

"I know" Leah says as she hangs her head down, "and i don't even have an explanation for that, i just..." she trails off not knowing what to say.

"You just?" you question.
"I.. I was just trying to do the right thing, i try to help everyone the best i can and as usual it's just been twisted. I don't even know how the press knew i was there or how they found me". Leah says

"Please don't try and play yourself as the victim right now, how would you feel if it was the other way around? You were pictured in the park with another woman and i found out via social media two hours after expecting you home with breakfast. You told me you loved me the night before and now apparently we can't even communicate with each other" you sigh.

"I love you, please don't use the word loved because i do love you. And you're right i didn't communicate with you, i could have simply text you and say i've bumped into a friend who's upset so will be a little longer and maybe this wouldn't have happened. I'm sorry" Leah says as she lays a hand on your leg.

You look from Leah's hand back up to her, you close your eyes and let out a long sigh before saying "i believe you".
Leah's head whips up as you lift yours to meet her eyes, "you do?" she asks.
You slowly nod you head "i do, Holly had text me the evening that it happened and told me it was nothing like it looked like and the girl was one of her bestfriends but i was too hurt to speak to you yet", you say as you slowly lay your hand down on top of hers that is still resting on your leg.

Leah lets out a long sigh as a tear runs down her cheek, you raise your other hand and wipe away the tear whilst saying "what's this for?".
"I'm just relieved" she says, "i thought i was going to lose you".
You wrap your hand tighter around hers and smile, "i'm still here, but from here i want things to go slow. We need to learn how to communicate effectively with each other for this to carry on working out".

Leah nods her head as she wipes away another tear, you stand up and hold your arms out to her. Leah leans her body into yours and lets the tears fall as you wrap your arms tightly around her.

"I love you" you whisper as you kiss the top of Leah's head, Leah wraps her arms tighter around you and asks "are we still together?".
"of course we are idiot" you chuckle as you lean down to connect your lips in a salty, tear filled kiss.

"I'm sorry i think i just got snot on you" Leah laughs as she wipes the last of the tears from her cheeks, you playfully roll your eyes before hitting her on the arm.

"I love you too by the way" Leah adds, you wrap your arms around her again and kiss the top of her head.
"Movie night?" you suggest before Leah nods her head eagerly.
"Help yourself to comfies from my wardrobe and i'll get the snacks ready, meet you on the sofa in five minutes" you smile. "It's a date" Leah winks before running towards your room.

The rest of the evening is spent lead on Leah's chest between her legs binge watching the Harry Potter films and eating popcorn.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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