Chapter 9 - Dance The Night Away

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You pull up outside the small but busy club, as the door to the taxi opens you hear the thumping music coming from the building. You jump out the car and make your way straight to the door, walking past the gasps and whispers from people stood in the queue.

Leah takes your hand and pulls you infront of her, using her hands on your shoulders to guide you through the busy club up to your secluded vip area.

A few of the girls who didn't come to Katie's for pre drinks are already here and by the looks of it have had a few drinks too.

Victoria Pelova and Cloe Lacasse stumble over to you and both wrap an arm around you shoulder whilst holding more shots out for you. "You guys have clearly been taking advantage of the vodka sitting on the table in front of you" you laugh, and look at the disgusting red liquid in the glass before throwing them down your throat, feeling the familiar burn you've been used to all night.

As the liquid goes down your throat you take a deep breath and shake your head whilst the two girls laugh at you. You pull a face and throw the shot glass back down before saying "what on earth was that?"

Cloe laughs and pulls you into her side whilst saying "that my friend is a bloody caesar, a traditional Canadian drink in shot form". You pull a disgusted face and hit back "well tell Canada they can keep their disgusting drinks".
Lacasse puts a hand to her heart and pretends to be hurt before quickly downing another one of the disgusting shots before walking away whilst laughing.

You begin to make your way back over to the main table where most of the girls are sat when Beth ambushes you from the back whilst shouting "danceeee floooor".
You laugh and allow yourself to be pulled down to the busy dance floor with her.

As she pulls you through the crowd you see Steph, Caitlin and Laura are already down here and join the small group.

You begin to move to the music joining in the conversation with the girls.

Only a few minutes later you feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist from behind and push themselves into you, you smile and lean your head back as Leah quietly mumbles "you look beautiful tonight".

You squeeze her arm in response before she comes and stands next to you, joining in with the conversation, singing and dancing with the group.

After a few songs later and Steph announces "i need a wee who's coming?". You laugh and put your hand in the air, she links her arm with yours and pulls you to the bathroom.
You are in and out before her due to the queue so you stand outside and wait, as you're stood there staring into a space you feel a presence next to you. You turn and smile at a girl who's leaned against the wall next to you.

She looks you up and down and smiles before asking "what's a pretty girl like you doing stood here by yourself?".
You point towards the toilet and say "my friends in there, god knows what she's doing though".
The confident girl sticks her hand out for you to shake whilst saying "Ayla". You shake her hand back and say "lovely to meet you Ayla i'm Amelia".

Before she can reply Leah comes over and says "there you are babe" before kissing your cheek", "are you coming over to the bar with us?". You meet Leah's darkened eyes as she look from you to the girl stood next to you. Leah looks her up and down before saying "so sorry i didn't see you there, you are?".

Before she can reply Steph comes out of the toilet and stumbles over to you and wraps and arm around you and Leah whilst shouting "girls i need shotssss let's goooo".

maybe Leah is jealous

You make your way back over to the bar with the two girls, making a mental note to find Katie as soon as you can. You all order you drinks and you pay after many arguments back and forth, before making your way back over to the dance floor.

You notice Leah being more handsy with you now and makes sure she is always touching you somehow.
She is currently stood behind you with her arms wrapped around your shoulders whilst you're talking to Caitlin, you can feel her head moving left to right probably scanning for the girl.

As Caitlin walks away, leaving just you and Leah in the corner of the dance floor by yourselves, you turn around in Leah's arms and look into her eyes.
You pout your lips looking at her furrowed brows and ask "what's go into you now?". Leah's face relaxes and breaks into a smile whilst asking "what do you mean?".
You laugh and shake your head, "you know what i mean,  you haven't left my side since we came back from the toilet. And i can feel your head whipping from side to side, you're gonna give yourself whiplash".

Leah looks down and laughs, you can feel her fiddling with her hands behind your back, her arms still hanging around your shoulders.
You pull Leah into a hug and feel her body instantly relax, she pulls away and looks into your eyes, your faces just centimetres apart now.

You reach up to the blonde who is a few inches taller than you and connect your lips in a reassuring kiss. You feel Leah smile into the kiss as she brings a hand to the back of your neck pulling you even closer to her.

You break away as you hear a wolf whistle next to you and see the one and only Katie McCabe walking towards you with a cheeky smile on her face
You roll your eyes and laugh at her as Leah wraps an arm around your waist.
Katie puts her hands on her hips and stands in front of both of you whilst saying "well well well what do we have here".
You laugh, feeling like a naughty school kid who's just been caught bunking off.

Katie raises her eyebrows and looks between the two of you before saying "Leah please may i steal the in demand girl tonight?".
Leah reluctantly lets go of your waist to let you go with Katie, not before quickly pecking your lips and mumbling that she'll meet you at the table.

You and Katie move over to the dance floor, just the two of you as she demands to know everything.

You laugh and begin to tell her about the little compliments Leah's given you throughout the night, then tell her about meeting Ayla outside the toilets whilst waiting for Steph.
Katie's eyes go wide as you tell her about how Leah comes over acting as if you are together and completely snubs the girl who's just introduced herself to you.
She laughs and says "That's Leah for you"
You cock your head to one side and ask "what do you mean?".
She shakes her head and says "it's not a bad thing, she just goes for what she wants. She's a strong minded girl and when she wants something she will make sure nothing gets in the way."

You zone out whilst nodding your head.
Katie places a hand on your shoulder, bringing you back. and says "honestly Amelia i think she likes you, i've never seen her be like this with someone. Especially infront of us girls. And she would never just kiss someone in the corner of a club like that just because she is jealous. Ask her out, what's the worst that could happen?".

You raise your eyebrows, "what's the worst that could happen? Umm she says no and i have the most awkward time at Arsenal".
Katie laughs and shakes her head "If that girl says no to you i will literally train in my underwear for you".
You smirk and hold you hand out "it's on". Katie laughs and shakes your hand before you both make your way back up towards your table.


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