Chapter 20 - Happy New Year

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The christmas period flew by, you spent christmas day with your mum, dad and sister Sophia. Boxing day was spent at your grandparents house eating left over christmas dinner and cheese. The awkward period between christmas and new year was a chance to relax and catch up on family time that you had missed over the last few months.

You and Sophia spent lots of time together just watching films and going shopping.

It's just turned 1pm on the afternoon of new year's eve and you've just got back to your apartment after catching the train back from Reading this morning, you place your bags in your room before flopping down on the sofa to call Leah.
Tonight is the annual Arsenal new year's party, Beth has told you lots about these parties and you don't know whether to feel excited or scared.

During your phone call to Leah she tells you to come to hers when you've got your stuff ready and the two of you can get ready together.

You quickly have a bite to eat before gathering your things and getting an uber to Leah's.

You arrive at her house and knock on the door before taking a step back, you hear rushed footsteps on the other side before the door is thrown open and Leah pulls you into her. You drop your bags as she pulls you into her and wrap your arms around her waist, Leah places lots of small kisses all around your face whilst saying "i missed you".
You laugh and peck her lips before saying "i've missed you too".

Leah picks up your bags and takes them into her house as you follow her.

"Right we have to be there for 6/6:30, so we have four hours. I'm gonna quickly make myself some food so do you want to jump in the shower first" she asks.
You nod your head, "sounds like a plan, i have to curl my hair when i get out and that takes me ages so it's probably best if i go first".
Leah kisses you once more and lets you know there is a towel in the bathroom before you make your way down to the hall.

A few hours later and you and Leah are both finally ready, you've just finished getting changed and begin to make your way down to the hall where Leah is waiting in the front room for you.
As you turn the corner Leah looks you up and down and whistles whilst making her way over to you, you laugh and playfully roll your eyes as she takes your hand and spins you around before pulling you in for a kiss.
"You look absolutely amazing" she says against your lips before kissing you again.

You stand back to take a look at Leah's outfit, she's wearing a black fitted suit with a white top underneath. You run your hands along the collar of her suit jacket before pulling her in for another kiss.
"You are something else" you say, biting your bottom lip as you look her up and down once more.

Leah takes your hand and pulls you towards the door whilst saying "come on let's go, the uber will be here in a second".
You both down the last of your drinks and make your way outside where the uber has just pulled up, Leah opens the door and motions for you to get in first before sliding in next to you.

You pull up outside the place Arsenal have hired out for the party, you make your way into the packed out room and Leah guides you over to the bar where a very tipsy looking Beth Mead is calling your names.
Beth slings an arm around your shoulder and says "Amelia my favourite drinking buddy, what are we having".
"Whatever you are having" you laugh as she turns back to the bar and mumbles something to the bar tender, a few minutes later he places down six drinks and a line of six shots.

She motions to the drinks and says "two each, come on". Leah rolls her eyes and you laugh before you both pick up a shot, you hold it out to cheers before throwing it down the back of your throat and repeating the same with the next shot and apparently a third as Leah didn't want both of hers.

You pick up both of your drinks and thank Beth before you and Leah follow her over to the rest of the Arsenal girls.
You say hello to everyone and join in conversations as everyone talks about their christmas.

Half an hour later lean over to Leah and whisper "i'm just going to grab another drink, i'll meet you on the dancefloor". Leah nods her head and kisses your cheek before you head in the direction of the bar.

You order your drink and it comes quickly then make your way over to the group on the dance floor, you spot Leah straight away and make your way round to stand next to her.

As you're all dancing a girl bumps into the back of you, you think nothing of it at first as it's a busy dance floor but then it happens again. You turn around and see a girl sarcastically smiling at you, "whoops soz about that hun" she laughs before turning her back on you.
You roll your eyes and turn back to the group.

A few minutes later she barges into you again but this time you spill your drink, Leah turns around and says "watch where you're going, you've done that loads now". The girl flashes Leah a smile and says "oh god i'm so sorry babe" whilst putting her hand on Leah's arm, she gives Leah's arm a squeeze and says "wow your arms are so strong".
Leah shrugs her arm away and says "watch where you're going, and stay away from my girlfriend" whilst putting a protective arm around you before guiding you away from her.

"Stay away from my girlfriend" you repeat as you and Leah sit down at an empty table, "that sounded hot" you add as you run your finger down her jaw.
You gently pull Leah's face towards yours and catch her lips in yours.

A few seconds later you are rudely interrupted by a very drunk duo. Katie and Alessia sit them selves down on either side of the two of you and begin to chat absolute rubbish to the two of you in their drunk state.

Leah slaps her hands down on her knees and stands up whilst announcing "right i'm off to the bar to get us more drinks, you three get us a good spot on the dancefloor".

After a while of getting lost in the music whilst dancing you notice that Leah hasn't returned from the bar yet, as you turn around to look for her the dj announces that you have less than a minute until midnight as a big timer appears on a screen.

55 seconds.

You stand on your tippy toes and scan around the room again before you see her stood at the bar with the same girl from earlier.

40 seconds.

You notice that Leah is mad, her arms are flying everywhere and you can see her frown getting more prominent on her head.
As the dancefloor grows quieter and you get closer to Leah you hear her say "and stay away from us! I'm not interested and leave Amelia alone".

30 seconds.

Leah catches your eye and pushes past the girl for the second time tonight and walks towards you as a big smile breaks out on her face.
Leah takes your hand and pulls you back towards the group of Arsenal girls in the middle, she wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you into her side as everyone begins to shout.


Leah turns to face you and whispers "i love you" before connecting her lips with yours, you smile into the kiss and place your hand on the back of her neck pulling her in closer.
You rest your forehead on hers and look into her eyes, "i love you" you whisper before connecting your lips again.


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