Chapter 18 - Meet My Family?

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Over the last few days you and Leah have followed the same routine, see each other during any spare minute at training, sleep at each others houses, wake up for training again. Leah is beginning to join in with little bits of the first team training again so you're seeing more of her than you usually would.

Training has been tiring over the last week, in preparation for the Chelsea game at the weekend, so you haven't had much spare time to actually spend enjoying time with Leah, you both get in, make tea and go straight to bed.

During a drinks break you walk up behind her and wrap your arms around her waist, resting your head on her back. Leah rests her hands on yours whilst asking "hey how you doing?". You smile into her back and say "i'm happy, i'm happy you're back out here with us and i'm proud of you".

Leah turns around in your arms and crashes her lips straight into yours, she pulls back before saying "that means so much coming from you".
You smile and say "i know i haven't been here for the whole of your journey but i know what you would have had to go through these last 8 months and i can't imagine how hard it would have been for you. And now here we are, on the final stretch. I can't wait to welcome you back onto the pitch where you belong".

Leah wipes a tear from her eyes before pulling you in for hug, "i don't have words to describe how much i appreciate you" she chokes out whilst
holding back tears. You wrap an arm around her shoulder and pull her towards the pitch whilst saying "come on star girl let's get you comeback ready". She laughs and pushes you away from her whilst sprinting off.

You stand back and watch her join in with the group again, passing and intercepting the ball with everyone.
Lia comes up from behind you and stands next to you. A few seconds later she breaks the silence, "you love her don't you".
You turn to her and slowly nod your head, "every day i spend with her i fall more in love with her, she's amazing". Lia smiles at your response "she feels the same, i've not seen her this happy in a long long time. You came and pulled her out of a dark hole she's been stuck in".
You take a deep breath and wipe a tear from your eye before pulling Lia in for a hug and thanking her.

You both make your way over to the group ready to finish your last training session ready for Chelsea tomorrow.

You wake up the next morning with a good feeling in you, you turn over to find an empty bed. You sit straight up as you hear the banging of pans in the kitchen. You roll your eyes and let out a chuckle before getting yourself out of bed
You make your way down to the kitchen and walk through the door to find Leah plating up breakfast, she looks up to you and smiles and says "well look at that for timing, i've just finished".
You sit at the breakfast bar as Leah slides a plate of pancakes and bacon towards you, a pre match ritual you've always followed.

Not long later and you pull up outside of The Emirates, this time as a player. None of the girls know this yet but Jonas has told you that today you may be coming on as a sub in the second half for your first game in an Arsenal shirt, as long as everything is heading in a good direction.

The first half of the game has flown by with the girls keeping Chelsea fully on their toes and dominating the game. We finish the first 45 minutes with three goals compared to their one.
As everyone piles into the chamging rooms, there is a buzz coming from everyone. Jonas congratulates everyone on the first half and tells everyone to carry on with the pressing and keep their goals at one.
"Before we go back out" he announces, "Amelia" he motions for you to join him. You shuffle over and stand next to him, "Amelia is making her first appearance in an Arsenal shirt this afternoon" he shouts out.
All of the girls erupt into cheers and jumps around you whilst congratulating you.

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