Chapter 15 - What Are We?

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The next morning you wake up as you feel Leah moving beside you, you open your eyes as Leah lets out a guilty smile whilst saying "i'm sorry for waking you, i've been awake for about half an hour now so i was trying to get my phone". You laugh and pass her phone from your bedside table before resting your head on her chest.

You lay like that for another twenty minutes whilst watching tik toks before you pull yourself out of bed. Leah goes to do the same but you push her back down into bed, "no stay there i will make us breakfast then you can get up". She laughs before throwing the duvet back over her, "don't get too comfy though" you add as she laughs.

You make your way to the kitchen and open the fridge to see what you have, you settle on pancakes and fruit because who doesn't like pancakes.
You spend the next 15 minutes making pancakes and setting everything up on the breakfast bar, you have bowls of different fresh fruits and a range of other toppings like chocolate chips or sugar for Leah to choose from.

You run back down to your room and open the door whilst saying "breakfast is served" whilst bowing. You hold you hand out to pull Leah up out of bed and lead her towards the kitchen whilst covering her eyes.

"Don't let me fall over" she laughs as you round the corner to the kitchen, "i won't don't worry, you can look now" you say as you take your hands from her eyes.

Leah smiles as she sees the spread you've made over the breakfast bar and takes a seat at the table opposite you, "wow you did all of this for me" she says whilst looking over everything. "Of course i did" you smile, "you deserve nothing less".
Leah goofily smiles at you before tucking in.

When you are both finished you head back to your room to get ready for the day, "what are your plans today" Leah asks.
"I'm heading back towards Reading today to see the family, got to finally start some christmas shopping with my sister. How about you?"
Leah looks in her phone at her overly busy schedule, "i've got to be at Colney this afternoon for some rehab and then going for dinner with mum up in Milton Keynes".

An hour later you walk Leah towards the door as she gets ready to leave, she leans in and gently kisses your lips.
"Don't buy me too much" she winks, you laugh and push her out the door whilst saying "shut up, i'll see you soon".
Leah waves as she walks towards her car.

A few hours later you've arrived at your house and are now making your way to the busy town centre to go shopping with your sister, but first you stop for lunch.

After you've both sat down and ordered your sister Sophia takes a sip of her drink and makes eye contact with you whilst saying "so anything new with you down at the mighty Arsenal?".

You scrunch up your nose and quickly say "i think i might be sort of seeing someone".

Sophia chokes on her drink and slams the glass back down on the table, "omg what, who is it, where did you meet them, how did this happen, why haven't you told me sooner" she rambles on between coughs.

You put your hands on the the table, "calm down i will tell you everything" you laugh.

You take a deep breath, "So you know after working at the school i was doing that football camp for girls over the summer holidays, well at the end we went for a trip at the Emirates. I met the Arsenal manager after he watched me take a few shots and he introduced himself to me and said he'd been watching me".

Sophia squirms in her seat in excitement, you continue "well he said he wanted me to come to Arsenal obviously".

Sophia lays her hands over yours and says "Amelia babes i know all of this, cut to the chase".

You laugh, "ok ok, well after the game we had a dinner at the Emirates and Leah Williamson came to greet the girls and thay and we spoke, she took me for a tour of the Emirates and helped me with my decision. We kept in contact a lot and spoke quite a bit in the time before i signed my contract".

You look up to your sister who is sat there with her mouth wide open, "um are you telling me you are seeing the Leah Williamson" she exclaims.

You smile and nod you head, "let me finish my story though, so after i went to sign my contract and do my medical she gave me a lift home but i fell asleep so she took me back to hers because she knew i'd be too tired to cook. So she cooked me dinner, we watched a film, i fell asleep again on her so she told me to stay the night. We got into bed, cudddled, maybe kissed and yeah. We've hung out a lot, kissed a few times, been on a date and i think we are gonna see where this goes".

Sophia sits there with her mouth open wide, speechless.
"Wow", she breathes out, "so what exactly are you".

You think for a second, what are we, "i would say we are technically dating, well we are dating".

As Sophia shakes her head and laughs your phone dings, you turn it over and see a message from Leah

Leah: I miss you so much already:(

You lift your phone up and show Sophia the message on your phone, she instantly looks at you and says "you need to make this girl your girlfriend before i snatch her up".

You laugh and playfully hit her shoulder, "but how do i do that" you ask.

"Ask her for dinner at yours" she shrugs, "decorate your living room and do it all there, make it intimate so it's something for just the two of you".

Your conversation is interrupted by your food coming, you both eat your food and head out after paying ready for an afternoon of christmas shopping.

You stop outside of Waterstones and see a book that Leah had been talking about in the window, you drag your sister in whilst saying "i need to get Leah this book".
She rolls her eyes and laugh "you're so whipped already", you shake your head and laugh at her.

After a very long afternoon of shopping you showered and sit down on your bed, you lay down and pull your phone out to text Leah.

Amelia: Sorry i haven't spoke much today, been busy busy busy. How was your day? x
Leah: Don't be silly you don't need to apologise, it was good just lots of meeting new people. Haven't long got home from dinner with mum, we went to an Italian restaurant.
Amelia: Ooh very fancy, what did you have? Margarita pizza?
Leah: You are very wrong! I had ham on my pizza today thankyou
Amelia: Wow babes pushing the boat right out there! I have a very boring morning of wrapping presents with Sophia tomorrow but i was wondering if you wanted to come over for dinner in the evening?
Leah: I would love to, i've missed you today.
Amelia: I've missed you lots too, now i have something exciting to look forward to tomorrow!
Leah: You're cute! Now get some sleep and tomorow will come sooner. Goodnight x
Amelia: I will text you the details tomorrow, goodnight! x

You smile at your phone before locking it and placing it on your bedside table, you turn over and close your eyes. As you are falling asleep you think about the perfect way to ask Leah to be yours tomorrow.


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