Chapter 11 - Date night

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Over the past few days you've been busy in training and Leah has been busy between rehab, training and red carpets so you've not had the chance to see each other.
You pull out your phone and text her.

Amelia: Hey busy gal, do you have time in your busy schedule for a little date night?
Leah: For you, i always have time
Amelia: I will pick you up at 5 then you charmer! I'm excited to see you, i've missed you
Leah: The last few days have been so long:( i've missed your pretty face! What shall i wear?
Amelia: Smart casual, but comfy. There's two parts to this date. You could wear a bin bag and still be the best dressed though<3
Leah: And you call me the charmer, i'll see you at 5 i can't wait!

You smile like an idiot at your phone before looking at the time, 2:30. You have just over two hours before you have to leave to pick Leah up.

You jump in the shower, letting the warm water run over your body as you rinse the rest of the conditioner out of your hair. You step out of the shower and wrap
yourself in a towel before sitting down in front of your mirror applying a natural make up look. You dry your hair and lightly curl it before putting half of it up in your favourite hair style.

You look at your phone again, 4:05.
25 minutes until you leave to pick Leah up.

You open up your wardrobe and begin to look through the array of clothes in front of you. You pull out your straight leg black cargos and pair them with a cropped one sleeved top and your favourite white trainers.
You search for a small bag and pull on a jacket before making your way to your car.

You drive the long way to Leah's so you can stop off and get her some flowers.
A few minutes later you pull up outside hers and make your way to the door, you bring your hand up and knock whilst taking a step back.

As Leah opens the door your eyes fall over her, wearing a white nike tee with cream loose fitting trousers finished with a black hoodie resting over her shoulders.
"You are so effortlessly beautiful" you breathe out, looking her up and down again.

She's stands in the doorway smiling as you hold up the flowers, "i got these for you". Leah thanks you before taking them back inside and reappearing at the door a minute later.
You take her hand and lead her to the car, this time it's your turn to open the door for her before running around to the drivers side and sliding in.

You connect her phone to your car and both sing along to the songs that come on.

As you pull up to a red light Leah looks at you and asks "are you going to tell me where we are going tonight?".

You shake your head and bring a finger to your lips, "that is a secret i'm afraid, but we will be there in five minutes".
Leah sits back in her seat and huffs as you laugh at her.

Not even five minutes later you pull up outside of a driving range where someone you know works, you point to the building and say "i heard you enjoy playing golf, i thought you could show me a thing or two on the driving range".
Leah hugs you excitedly before jumping out of the car whilst calling out "come on then, i can't wait to beat your ass".

You head inside and see your friend Jake sat at the desk. He instantly stands up and holds his hand up, you meet him halfway for a high five as he calls out "Amelia it's been too long how are you doing! Do i have to bow down to you now you're famous".
You laugh and shake your head "don't be stupid, i ain't famous yet" you wink.

He looks to your left and see's Leah stood next to you. He places a hand over his heart and says "you haven't, you've finally bought me the girl of my dreams".

You take Leah's hand in yours and say "sorry Jakey boy but Leah is here with me, i'm after one of your finest bays please and a hundred balls each please".

You and Leah choose a few golf clubs to use during your time and collect your balls before making your way over to a private bay on the end, with extra heating.
You motion for Leah to sit down before you run to the bar to get you both a drink, Leah a vodka coke and for yourself just a lemonade as you are driving.

An hour and a half later and you've finally run out of balls after having to go and get another hundred each, you remind yourself never to do something like this again. You and Leah are way too competitive.

As you make your way back to the car Leah lays her head on your shoulder and says "this was so much fun, my cheeks hurt from laughing so much". You smile and wrap an arm around her waist whilst saying "we're not done yet, i have a table booked in twenty minutes at that new steakhouse in town you mentioned the other day".

Leah stops to look at you, "i literally only mentioned it once, how did you remember". You wink and say "that's a secret".
Leah throws her arms around you neck pulling you closer to her and connects your lips.
It's a long, sweet, passionate kiss you share as you lean back against the car, holding Leah close to you.

As much as you don't want to, after a minute you break away from the kiss. "As much as i wanted to continue, we have a table to get to. We can finish this later" you wink seeing a blush creep to Leah's cheeks.

You hold open the door as Leah steps inside the car then get into the drivers side making the short drive to your next destination.


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