Chapter 16 - Making It Official

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The next morning you wake up feeling excited but very nervous, you grab your phone and text your sister.

Amelia: Hey Sophia, are you doing anything today?
Sophia: If you need me i am free all day!
Amelia: I was just wondering if you wanted to come and help me set up? I'm excited but super nervous at the same time
Sophia: You don't need to be scared about it, she would be stupid to say anything other than yes. What time is Leah coming round?
Amelia: I'm gonna text her in a bit and probably tell her between 5 and 6, do you think that's ok?
Sophia: Yeah that's perfect stop stressing! i'm just having breakfast then i'll leave so i'll be like two hours.
Amelia: You are a life saver, i love you so much, i'll repay you don't worry!
Sophia: You don't have to repay me, this is what sisters are for. I'm just happy that you're happy. I love you, i'll see you soon.

You smile and spend twenty minutes scrolling through your socials and replying to some emails before getting up for a shower.
You wash your hair and plait it when you get out so it will be wavy later and chuck on shorts and a tee for now.
You still have an hour and a half before your sister will be here so you decide to pop down to tesco to get some food.

As you are driving you decide on what to cook, you are stuck between doing a sausage casserole or carbonara.
You pull up to a red light and grab a coin from your cup holder. Heads casserole, tails carbonara.

You flip the coin and catch it on the back of your hand, you lift your other hand off the top to reveal heads, sausage casserole it is.

You pull up and tesco and grab a basket so you can't over buy, you head straight to the chilled aisle. You pick up a packet of your favourite cumberland sausages before heading to pick up the rest of the the ingredients and finish off with a few bouquets of flowers and two bottles of wine.
You pay and head back to the car ready to start preparing, or stressing.

After you've finished putting the shopping you sit down to quickly text Leah.

Amelia: Hello my dear, dinner will be 5:30pm sharp, please arrive 10 minutes early to allow time for coat removal and drinks order! Cant wait to see you! x
Leah: Ever so formal, I shall be there at 5:20pm sharp! Looking forward to seeing you too x

You smile and put your phone down, as you walk onto the kitchen the doorbell rings.
You run down the hall and throw the door open revealing your sister stood there with an apron and chefs hat on, you instantly burst out laughing before ushering her in.

"I thought i would dress the part" she explains as she gestures to her outfit, "you look great" you laugh before leading her to the kitchen.

"Right it's just gone 2pm now, we have about three hours to prepare everything. Shall we crack open a bottle of wine" you clap your hands together. Sophia laughs and places a both of her hands on your shoulders whilst gently shaking you backwards and forwards, "go and have a bath, relax for half an hour then we can begin".
You roll your eyes as your sister pushes you towards the stairs and shouts "i don't want to see you for at least half an hour" behind you, as you're making your way up the stairs.

You run yourself a bath, overdoing it with the bubbles, and slide into the warmth. You lay back and close your eyes for a few minutes before pulling your phone out as you're relaxing and texting Leah.

Amelia: Hey, i'm really excited to see you later!
Leah: Hey softy, i'm excited to see you. What you doing?
Amelia: Just having a quick bath before i start prepping food.
Leah: Having a bath? i don't believe you, i need pics to prove it:)
Amelia: shut up you idiot!😂 Sophia has sent me up for a bath so i'd stop stressing about cooking.
Leah: You don't need to stress! I'd eat anything!
Amelia: Le we both know that's a lie, you're the fussiest person ever! I do have chicken nuggets and chips in the freezer as a back up though.
Leah: See no need to stress, you have a back up! But really you don't need to stress. I'll see you in about two and a half hours.

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