~Lightbulb's diary~ pt 1.

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Hello diary! Today me and Testy went to TRIKEA! Oj wanted us to go since Testy broek our dishwasher!! She's soo silly :) Fan wanted to go too, but I just wanted to have a fun girls day!! I thought it'd be a quick trip, but it turns out TRIKEA is sort of big. I got lost like, eight times!! Hee hee!!! Testy thought TRIKEA waz boring, but i thought it was fun!! me and Testy played tag in the furnitire aisle, but I tripped over some spinny chair thing and we got kicked out! Whoopsies :3 I guess we never got the dishwasher, but atleast we had fun! Talk to you tomorrow, Diary ♡♡♡

Wow 113 words an all time high 🤩 also when did i get 8.2k reads tysm 😭😭 bye pookies see you tomorrow for part 2!!

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