The crime writer (Pisces x Sagittarius)

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is this how you write crime?
felt like i had to redeem myself after the last one shot... i promise i'm more than that
slight m Pisces x m Sagittarius

Two people stood over a corpse, the taller one staring intently, and the other leaning over their shoulder in curiosity.

“He got shot five times– One right on the forehead, and the other four on the chest”, Sagittarius examined the wounds with his lamp, for the crime scene was reported late at night in the middle of a forest, “It looks like the forehead one was last”.

“Brutal”, Pisces answered over his shoulder.

Sagittarius, detective in charge, frowned, “There are signs of struggle but they're very mild… He isn't injured, either. It seems like he trusted the killer up ‘til the moment they killed him”.

The shorter man did a small stroll around the body, humming along as they did. The crime scene was very dimly lit with a few lamps of the other officers, making the other's actions all the more eerie. Pisces looked up to the sky, dreamily staring at the starry night, as he said in a distracted manner, “He was into strong women”.

Immediately, Sagittarius let out a sigh, which quickly turned into a chuckle, “What makes you think that?”

Pisces touched the tip of his nose, “Not every woman knows to use this perfume for intimate occasions. It tends to drive away most men, but apparently not him”, he continued, “this led me to believe, also, that she had just recently gotten her hands on some money. She put on way too much of such fine perfume. It reeks even after hours”.

Sagittarius sniffed the air as well, noticing the sublime scent the other man was talking about. It definitely still lingered in the air, but only if one searched for it… Leave it to Pisces to notice such odd things.

“Okay, but of what use is it to know what type of woman he was into?” Sagittarius asked absent-mindedly, crouching down to inspect for finer details with his gloves hands.

“Oh!” Pisces smiles to himself, “That we know it was a not-so lover’s quarrel. This was his second woman– in fact, she didn't know that, and that was what triggered such a passionate act. How romantic! You love someone so much that you'd shoot them four times before they were with someone else!”

The detective looked up at him, completely weirded out, “That's reaching too far”.

“Not at all”, Pisces seemed confident, “If you were to check his collarbone, you would see a dark, aggressive hickey that screams, ‘I love you so much I could kill you’”.

Mostly out of curiosity, Sagittarius unbuttoned the victim’s collar to find exactly as he was told. Various hickeys, purple and with bite marks, trailed all the way down to his shoulders.

“.... But why four times? Why not five?” he asked, the sudden flash of a camera blinding Pisces, who squinted his eyes innocently as he answered, “‘Cause the fifth one on the forehead was a statement of burning hatred and disappointment. I mean, personally, if I loved someone enough to kill them I’d avoid shooting their brains out. That's not so romantic”, he shrugged.

Sagittarius was silent. “You're such a weird motherfucker” he plainly told his investigation partner and closest friend of years.

“Ah, if you turn the body over you'll see some nails marks. I think the signs of struggle was them having some pre-murder fun”.

“Anything else?” Sagittarius attentively asked,  murmuring a thank you to the officer who handed him a file on the victim. Now he had a vague idea of what suspects to look for.

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