If you are to hurt me (Taurus x Cancer)

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f Taurus x f Cancer

Taurus’ heart was a mess of emotions as she forcefully made her way to the queen's chambers. She shoved past various guards without hesitation, eyes locked ahead, fully armored as the knight’s commander with an intimidating black metal, sword buckled in her belt.

She stood in front of the big gold door, and knocked one single time, the clashing of the two hard materials creating a sharp noise that echoed in the hallway. “Your majesty”, she called once.

Would she stay silent?, Taurus tightened her fists. She hoped for many things, like for the queen’s hate expressed in fists and yells, but not in silence, because silence was more a death than Taurus’ own dead body for daring to question her majesty's orders.

Yet, the beautiful voice answered, “Enter”.

This time, Taurus walked with her face lowered. She took off her helmet and set her sword on the floor as she kneeled. She had no need to look up, anyways. She knew the position of the bed her queen now sat on, gazing down on her dirty knight, better than the movement of her right hand as it slayed hundreds of heads.

That's how her movement was swift as she threw herself onto the other's body, kneeling in front of her robed figure.

The knight looked up, and the queen lowered her gaze.

“Tell me you don't mean it”, Taurus begged. She wrapped her arms around the queen’s back, one last time before she cut them off herself.

“I do”, and it was the queen speaking and not her Cancer.

“But you're lying you-, we-”, neither blinked and, if one was silent and observant, one would notice neither breathed. “We love each other”, she settled for saying in a desperate manner, don't we?

Cancer sighed, cupping the other's face with her hands, “We do”.

“Then?”, Taurus sprung up to grab her queen by the shoulders, “I can take anything, your majesty. My love, I can take every sword and every kingdom and I won't ever complain or lose, but I can't take this. I can't accept this marriage”.

At her lover’s broken voice, all the formal words and all the empty promises Cancer had practiced were vanishing away, and it was only the hole in her heart that had appeared since she agreed to that marriage that grew bigger until clogging her throat, making her speeches.

Disastrously, her lover didn't give up.

“I can kill them all”, Taurus suddenly said. Cancer flinched, looking for any faltering in the other's eyes, yet only bright blue orbs spoke to her of the loyalty they held, “One word and I can make them stop bothering you. Then we can run away-”.

“Stop”, Cancer commanded. Usually, Taurus obeyed without thinking twice, but for the first time, she ignored her.

“I can protect you. There's no one in this world that can beat me. Just give me the command and we'll be happy, god, but please don't leave me-”

“Taurus”, Cancer raised her voice, the tremble of her throat audible, “I can't. Don't you get it? I’m the queen. These people need me, and you need me, because if this marriage doesn't happen then we'll go to war and it's you who will be on the front lines”. The more she spoke, the more tears that gathered in her eyes and spilled down to her lap.

“And yet”, Taurus raised the other's face by the chin, “You'd do better in killing me by sending me to the front lines rather than depriving me of your touch”.

In disbelief, Cancer tried reprimanding her, “Don't say that-!”

Taurus grabbed the sides of her queen's head, and silenced her with a deep kiss.

Both their mouths sought to be together in a tender love. Cancer, against all her earlier words, wrapped her arms around Taurus’ neck, as if afraid to let her go. Perhaps that'd be their last kiss.

When they parted, their faces were so close together that their whispers were more than enough to be heard.

“My love”, Taurus didn't let go of the other, looking straight at her eyes, “If you are to hurt me, please do it properly. Please send me to die in the desert. Please trample my body with your carriages, choke me with your silks, please rip open my insides with the finest sword. But as long as you don't kill me, I will always come back to you”. She leaned in for another kiss, “Always”.

Cancer stared.

That woman in front of her– her most loyal knight, the strongest swordsman in all the kingdoms, the woman who woke her up with kisses on the forehead after making the most passionate love to her, whose gazes and words were all sincere and who would never hesitate to leave anything behind for someone who thought of leaving her… How could she?

How could she live without her when before being a queen, she was Taurus’ lover?

“Do you promise?” Cancer whispered.

Taurus’ eyes widened.

“To never go back on your word and leave me? To run away from it all?”

A smile was quickly forming in Taurus’ mouth. “Let heaven kill me if I don't”.

“Tomorrow, then, we leave”, Cancer stated. Her gaze softened, and she leaned in to kiss Taurus’ jaw, below the ear, and whisper, “But for tonight… “

The doors of the queen's chamber remained closed that night, and the next day when it was opened, the only remaining signs of the queen and her knight were the messy sheets and pillows on the bed.

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