The sneaky dance (Fire signs)

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slight m sagittarius x f leo

Aries had thought it'd be an easy mission. The target was very drunk for starters, his wallet was completely in the open, and she was more than sure of Leo's sneaky capability.

She had forgotten, however, about the most important thing– Leo got carried away easily.

So she watched her partner dance like an animal, grinding against their target in a skin-tight dress, face flushed with sweat, completely having forgotten about the mission.

“Hey”, she spoke in the other's ear piece, “Remember we're on a mission”.

Leo rolled her eyes and pretended to nod her head at the music, but that was her way of telling Aries she knew.

“Why are you hooked on the target then? I don't see a wallet containing hundreds of millions of dollars in your hand”,  Aries complained.

Her partner answered her while pretending to talk to the target. So she began speaking in  the well-put and elegant man’s ear, who crouched down to hear her say, “I know you want it badly, but just give me this one more dance”.

“Of course darling”, Sagittarius answered.

On the other hand, Aries answered, “Asshole, we don't have all day”.

Leo smiled, continuing moving her hips smoothly to the rhythm while Sagittarius followed her every move.

“Hurry up”, Aries kept whining.

Deciding she had enough, Leo got to work. With sneaky and quick hands, she got a smooth hold of the waller, slipping the gold card out in a quick motion and putting the leather back on the man's pocket before she could notice.

Or at least she thought so.

“Where are you going? “ Sagittarius asked, grabbing her wrist when she tried walking away. “With my card, I mean. You dance well but so do many people. Give it back and you're good”, he winked at her.

There was a building tension between them as Aries cursed everything in her ear piece, yet nobody seemed to notice. The grip on Leo’s wrist was strong and steady when she put her arms around his neck, grinning in his face, “You're mistaken. Not just everybody can dance like this”.

She was strong– she managed to move his arms around her, where she began to dance like she was the rhythm itself to the chill, sensual music. To anyone else, the two would have appeared like a courting couple. Yet they couldn't see the knife caught in a power-struggle between her back and his abdomen.

Aries watched in a state of both disgust and worry. Was that how normal people flirted? She didn't think so.

“Remember you've got the tranquilizer. Don't kill him”, she reminded the other.

Leo chuckled, forehead soaked in sweat from dancing while dodging death all the while, “It's just a few pennies, are you so broke you can't spare them?”

Sagittarius was able to break free from her grip, grazing her forearm with the sharp object, drawing blood, “On the contrary– it feels humiliating to give only that much away”.

She wanted to punch him.

“Calm down”, Aries reminded her, “We can kill him later”.

“Ridiculous' ',  Leo told him, and she meant it. “People like you, it's always the same story”.

“Is it?” Sagittarius questioned.

She leapt up to pull him into a deep kiss, a loud ugh sounding in her ear. She felt the man freeze due to the sudden action. It wasn't only from shock, though– she stabbed him with the tranquilizer.

Immediately, he fell to the floor, dazed and completely out of it.

She gasped, flawlessly acting the part of s distressed lady. She knelt down to say, “Money is only an excuse. You're just lonely”.

He managed to gather up the energy to answer, “Or I was hit with a tranquilizer”.

She chuckled, not parting from his ear, “Or that”. Then she got up, yelling, “He collapsed!”

Once the crowd gathered to check, she knew it was her que to fly from the scene. She made her way out the room.

“I thought you fell for him”,  Aries spoke.

Leo brushed her off, “What do you mean? Don't you see who’s the one on the floor? “

“The whispering in his ear was unnecessary”.

“Well, I've got the money”.

Aries shrugged her shoulders. Having the money was more than enough.

i went on a vacation but i'm back :) also working on something exciting. please leave a vote if u can

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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