The admission exam (NSFW) (Aquarius x Scorpio x Libra (M&F))

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aquarius f x scorpio m x libra m (livra) x libra f
filthy stuff fr
aclaration:libra and livra are in no way related by being the same sign

The student council office was a spacious and dark room, placed on the highest floor of the most exclusive university in the country. It was known that the four people who got to sit on the council chairs held the most power among both students and professors, and that it was hard for the director himself to have a say on their decisions. These people were the top of their respective areas- art, medicine, exact sciences, and political sciences.

You had to fight like a savage animal to get a glimpse of any of them, and to be noticed was merely a dream for some. The hard part was that to be selected as one, all the other three had to back your persona. That's why the power generally stayed in the hands of a web of people who had connections one way or the other. These people were called 'Spiders'.

So it came as a surprise when a fancy letter was sent to Scorpio's address, inviting him to meet the council that night in very few words.

Come to council 9:00 P.M. Bring tools.

He lowered his headphones to rest on his shoulders, frowning at the fancy paper on his hand. As far as he knew, he had never gotten involved with any Spider, even less seen a council member. Whenever possible, he avoided unnecessary interactions with people, and had no interest in becoming a council member whatsoever. His only goal was completing his formation as a sculptor so he got to say he studied in the best university in the country and proceeded to get his bag.

But maybe not showing up wasn't a good idea. Those types of idiots tended to get resentful, and he would rather not have one of them as an enemy. They weren't leaving the best impression on him, however, sending him the notice to a meeting an hour before it happened.

Scorpio sighed, realizing he would have to take a shower and tidy himself up. He had wanted to spend a quiet evening, but whatever.

In twenty minutes he was ready and set out to the campus, tools in his backpack, riding a motorcycle in a pitch black leather outfit. Had it not been for the motorcycle lights, he would easily merge with the night.

The university building was desolate, which was a bit eerie considering night classes always extended until ten. He walked through the hallways, the gardens, and various stairs to stand in front of a building he never thought he would enter. His watch hit exactly nine, and he pushed the two doors open.

There was only one warm light shining exactly into the chair he kept in the classroom for sculpting. Scorpio noticed how a semi-circle table surrounded it only thanks to the shadows the light created, but if there were any chairs or people, he couldn't know.

"Hello", he took a few steps in, completely weirded out. "I was called here".

"We're aware", a female voice answered him, and Scorpio assumed she was sitting behind the table, "come sit in the light".

'What a bunch of freaks', he thought to himself, stepping up nevertheless. He stood in the middle of the light awkwardly.

"Sit down", this time, a male voice commanded.

Now, he wasn't a fucking dog. "I want to know why I was called here", Scorpio settled for answering without following their orders, trying to hold in his irritation.

"Sit first", the voice tried again.

"Kindly tell me why I was called here in the middle of the night, carrying a whole bag of tools", Scorpio bickered.

The room was silent for a few seconds, until a second female voice laughed, "Isn't he funny? I told you".

"There's no council member for the art area", the first female voice communicated, "after a brief exam, we thought you could assume it".

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