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After posting on Instagram,  I went downstairs and met my father in the living room. We went out to the car, and Papá drove to the practice field. 

When we got there all the boys were there. I walked over to the group of boys and asked them why they were so early. Lewa responded and said that my father punished them for being late, so they all arrive really early so that they are never late. That was pretty sensible. A few minutes before practice was supposed to start, Fermín, Lamine, and Marc arrived. I went over, wanting to talk to them to talk a little bit. 

"Hola Pollita!" Fermín said, which was nothing like him. 

"What?" I asked.

"You're a chicken." Fermín said, matter-of-factly.

"What did you just call me?" I asked.

Just then Marc gave Fermín money.

"Marc!" I said, genuinely shocked.

"Yes?" He said as he started to smirk. I ran at Marc, and he ran away. I chased him for a while and then started name-calling him. Marc started chasing me, and I ran towards the clump of boys.

"Alright, time to start practice." My father said. Marc didn't hear him though, and continued running. He figured that we were starting practice, so he slowed down. As he went to stop, the wet grass betrayed him, and he slid into me. I fell over and he fell on top of me. We were both laughing and stayed down for a second. My dad started explaining the first team building game, and Marc and I stopped laughing. Marc got up, and then helped me up. We joined the circle that everyone had made, but Marc stood really close to me. I was very thankful for the warmth that was provided by him standing so close.

We did the first team building game and I was on the same team as Marc. We completed the game first, and I looked up at Marc once we finished. He smiled at me, and I smiled back. He had a cute smile, and I couldn't keep myself from smiling back. It was magical.

After the game, we continued playing games and Marc and I kept winning. By the end of practice everyone was complaining about how having Marc and I on the same team was unfair. We laughed and then once practice was officially over, I invited Marc over to hang out. We stopped and got coffee and then went to my house. This was his first time over, so I gave him a tour. We ate lunch before going upstairs where I continued the tour. We finally ended up in my room, and I ran to my bed and flopped onto it. Marc followed me, flopping next to me.

Marc and I talked together for a while, and soon enough it was time for dinner. We went downstairs and had dinner with my family. Asia kept giving me cheeky smiles from across the table, and I kept giving her death stares. Once Marc was done eating, he put his hands under the table. I was still eating when I felt Marc's hand on my leg and I looked over at him. He smiled at me, and my heart melted.

After dinner Marc and I went upstairs to talk again. We decided to watch a movie. We watched The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, and I rested my head on his shoulder. He put his arm around my back, and we stayed like this the whole movie. After the movie ended we talked about it and we both fangirled. 

"So, what's new in your life?" Marc asked.

"Nothing much. I have a new friend and his name is Marc. He's awesome and fun and really ho-"

"No way I know him too!" Marc said.

I can't believe I was about to admit my feelings about him. Never, ever in a million years. 

"You know you are gorgeous, amor." Marc said after a few seconds of awkward silence.

I could not believe what he just said. Does he have feelings for me as well? I am probably just getting a ridiculous idea in my head. 

"Oh, look at the time! I have to go." Marc said. When I looked at him, his cheeks were red and he hurried through his sentence. 

"See you later." I said as he walked down the stairs and left. This was one interesting night.


Thank you all for reading and being so amazing!!!

I may not post a lot as basketball season has started and life's hectic, but I will do my best!!

Also, please pray for Pablo Gavi as he tore his ACL and injured his meniscus. He will most likely be out for at least the whole season if not more, and that breaks my heart. Pray that he gets better and that maybe by some miracle he will show progress and get back sooner.

Thank you so much, again!! 

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